Wednesday, April 29, 2009

up the meds

We ended up back AT the doctor's office. The doc we saw last week was of course off today and the doc there didn't want to up the dosage without seeing Mark first, so we went. I sent Matthew off to a friend's house (thank you!) and Mark and I went distraction-free to the doc again. She said the same things I've been hearing "He's so sweet, he's so content" Yah. Sure. You come over when it's time to eat and then tell me what you think. She checked him over head to toe and determined she agrees and it is probably reflux or worse, silent reflux. We have a referral to see an ENT doc to get his tongue tie dealt with. It will be on my list to call next week. She also wants him to come back for an assesment and weight check next week. Works out since he had an appt already for the 4 month check up and shots.

ALSO-- SCORE!!!! The called our ins last week and argued with them and got us a credit for the amount paid last week! I was near estatic when the receptionist said we didn't have a copay. I stood there looking stupid I'm sure. haha.

Anyhow, LOTS of screaming today. LOTS of it. But hopefully with the meds kicking in we'll see some improvement tomorrow.


1 comment:

Brenda's Brushes said...

Today, I spoke to Sandra, Sam's mom...about Marky's tummy issues. She suggested that he might be teething and the active sucking hurts his gums. Sandra gives Sam Teething Tabs by Hylands...these are homeopathic and can be purchased at any grocery or drugs store. This is safe for under 6 mos. age.
I hope this is helpful.