Wednesday, March 17, 2010

You don't owe me one thing

We're learning a new song at church for our Easter program coming up and I'm in love with one of the songs... The words are simple, the tune is catchy, but the meaning grows and grows and grows in my heart each time it's sung.

"You do not owe me one thing.
Father, you do not owe me one thing.
Father, you have already given everything.
Father, you do not owe me one thing."

Simple enough right?

But oh so powerful.

"You do not owe me one thing.
Father, you do not owe me one thing.
Father, you have already given everything.
Father, you do not owe me one thing."

Say it out loud...

"You do not owe me one thing.
Father, you do not owe me one thing.
Father, you have already given everything.
Father, you do not owe me one thing."

... how true is that?

The song is sort of broken sounded... like this...

"You ...not ...owe... me ...thing.
Father, you not ...owe ...thing.
Father, you ...have al...ready giv...en ev...ery...thing.
Father, you not ...owe one ...thing."

Mmm... I'm going to pound this song in my brain and when I want to know "WHY!!!!!!!?!?!!?", I'm going to remember that my FATHER in HEAVEN already GAVE me EVERYTHING. And He doesn't owe me one thing more. GOD has already given me the ultimate gift. He gave up His only Son for me. He gave up His only Son for you. HIS ONLY SON.... HE GAVE HIM. He sent Him down from Glory to a tiny manger, had Him live in a man's body and die a horrible death on the cross so that WE would be FREE. I'm bound by sin no longer, because I have Jesus Christ in my heart!! Satan is not my master, because I have Jesus Christ in my life!!!!!! Sin will not weigh me down and keep me on the floor because the LORD JESUS REIGNS FOREVER!!!!! ... so when I want to shout into the Heavens, "WHY!!?".... I have to remember and sing this song... And though it's hard. And though the tears will fall... I am GRATEFUL for my Lord and Savior. I'm grateful to be a daughter of the Most High King. I'm grateful that I know I'll see my babies again in Heaven some day and that they are already serving their King. ...

In church this past Sunday, we sang these words "When we all get to Heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be. When we all see Jesus, we'll sing and shout the victory." I'm sure you know that hymn... And man, that is the truth for me. When I get to Heaven it will be a day of rejoicing. I'm going to praise my Savior for forever and I'll see the children I never got a chance to hold.

And until that day... I'm going to keep singing this song in my heart, whenever I'm low....

"You do not owe me one thing.
Father, you do not owe me one thing.
Father, you have already given everything.
Father, you do not owe me one thing.

You do not owe me one thing.
Father, you do not owe me one thing.
Father, you have already given everything.
Father, you do not owe me one thing.

You do not owe me one thing.
Father, you do not owe me one thing.
Father, you have already given everything.
Father, you do not owe me one thing."

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