Tuesday, August 30, 2011

How He Loves Me

Oh. How He Loves Me Oh.
Oh. How He Loves Me. Oh.
Oh. How He Loves Me. Oh.
He is Jealous for Me. Wind like a hurricane, I am the tree. ...

Have you heard this song?

go here:


I can't stop singing it in my head. Our church did it Sunday and I've of course heard it on the radio before but never has it touched me in such a way. OH. HOW HE LOVES ME OH! God is Jealous for you. Do you feel it? Do you see Him? Do you feel His love?

I am so thankful that I do.

Monday, August 29, 2011

The exersaucer and Mommy time

Recently Micah has been trying out the exersaucer when he's awake and it's time for the family to eat lunch or dinner. He seems pretty okay in it. The first few times were short lived but he's getting better at staying long enough for us to eat without passing him back and forth. He's getting so big. I love him so much.

Also, just for fun... this was what our Friday night looked like. I'm usually the one snapping pictures but, since I had all three boys with me, I had Jamie take a few. Micah was sound asleep and Matthew and I were watching a show. Mark was uninterested in the show but couldn't be left out, so he crawled up with his letter cards.

Monday, August 22, 2011

I wanna sing!

I wanna sing sing sing!
I wanna shout shout shout!
I wanna sing.
I wanna shout.

I love this little song that they do at our preschool. It stays in my head and it makes me happy. Today I'm extra happy. This is my favorite day of the whole year and today, this year, it's even more special. Today my heart is a little more happy. My step is lighter. My head is singing. Today I know that without a doubt, my daddy will go to Heaven some day. I know that I'll see him there in Glory because yesterday he obeyed Jesus and was baptized in believer's baptism by submersion.

I'm so thankful for this day.

God has answered my heart and heard so many prayers.

I'm happy today!
Oh yes I'm happy today!
In Jesus Christ, I'm happy today.
Because He's taken all my sins away!
And that's why I'm happy today!

I have been singing all day long. And what a beautiful reminder to myself. This is how it should be. I should be happy. I should be singing praises. I should be grateful and thankful and cheerful EVERY day. I should be praising the name of the Lord because He is worthy to be praised.

Help me Lord to remember to praise you daily. In the normal times, in the bad times, in the hard and bumpy times and of course the good ones. Thank you Father, for answering prayers. Thank you for your timing and your will being perfect. Thank you Lord, for today.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Visiting NM

Last weekend, I visited Kris in her new home in NM. I will say "wow." All I did each day was stare at the clouds. It's so pretty there. The clouds are so full and so beautiful you could just almost touch them. Kris has a lovely home and I was happy to spend some time with her. Mom flew in too and we had a great girls weekend (plus Micah). We played games, ate, sat on the patio swing, threw Rocky the ball, and walked a lot. It was a nice relaxing weekend.

Micah got to meet Sweetie

Mom and Kris took turns having Micah.
It was pretty relaxing for me to be somewhat off duty.

We spent some time loving on Sweetie. It is so good to have Sweetie with Kris now after so long they'd been apart. Sweetie is her happy place. The world seems a bit better, brighter when Kris is by Sweetie's side. And I think that goes true for Sweetie. When Kris comes, it's like being home. It makes me so pleased to know that Sweetie is right where they both need her to be.

Yay for the timer on the camera to take all our pictures since
at both the restaurant Saturday and Church Sunday,
we forgot to have someone else take all three. ha.

Krystle's wedding pictures take two

I know I already shared some wedding pictures but OH MERCY! while I was visiting Kris in NM last weekend (those pictures to come), I was able to preview the ones from the professional photographer's motherload from the wedding... and they are AWESOME. Here are some of the ones that shouldn't be left out!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The first day of Kindergarten!

After breakfast, before school...

Dressed and ready to go!

Saying goodbye to Markie.
"See you at the bus stop!"

getting out of the car

And this is where I started crying...
He didn't even look back at me! Just off he went!


Micah waited.

Mark waited.
And waited...

Daddy waited.
And Mommy waited...
We all waited for the bus to come!
And Matthew came running off it!

He had a great first day!


Friday, August 5, 2011

one of the last firsts

I can hardly stand it... My sweet baby boy is about to be five months old next week. He'd been really eyeing the spoon usage lately as we all sit around him eating. I decided last night that we might as well start. So, Micah had his first rice cereal. It's really made me start thinking (again) about how this is the last (probably) of another first. Micah is really going to make me enjoy each and every one of his milestones because more than likely they will be the last "firsts" we see in this house. So I pulled out the camera last night to give to Jamie and he captured Micah's "first" with the spoon. And I got a little caught up in it being the last time I feed my children for the first time. ... that said... Micah really enjoyed it. He wanted to hold the spoon, so eventually I just gave up and gave it to him and got a new one to keep feeding him with. For our first try, we were pretty messy of course and had to go straight to the bath. It was fun. I love being a mom.

Just for fun...
This is the scene that was before me this morning.
I put Micah on the floor to change the pack and play sheets.
When I came back, Matthew was completely entertaining him.

and here's Mark, of course.