Tuesday, July 29, 2008

home again home again

Hello blogging world.

We're home again from vacation and it's sad to think of what I'll miss in the next six months before I see my best friend again and her kids. I'll be able to see my folks again for an extremely rushed visit in September but it doesn't involve the other side of the state of MO that time. Then we'll be too far in the pregnancy after that to go anywhere else. So wait we will.

We had a GREAT visit though. Spending a week in STL and then a week in KC and then two more days in STL before the drive back to GA. Pictures will follow, don't have them uploaded yet.


Sunday, July 13, 2008

What else...

...but our update post?!

I've gotten a couple of wonderings about Matthew's health. Sorry for not fully updating on here when everything was better. Sunday was still rough and Monday was a little bit better but not full throttle, though his fever did break! By Tuesday he was a champ-- back to playing and eating and drinking. NO strep at all! I don't know what it was besides just being "viral" but those three days were the longest days I remember having in a lonnnnng time. whew. Thank you for all your thoughts and concerns and prayers for our son.

In other news-- Matthew and I are in MO for a two week trip!! I'm in STL for a week, spending time with my folks and enjoying the pampering from my mom! Then we're off to KC for a shorter week at my best friend's house and heading back to STL before the drive back to GA. Here's a little peak at what we did today. Enjoy the bubbles when you can!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Love it!!

And this is why I love my dining room table!!!

Matthew is content coloring at one end, my scrap booking stuff is a mess in the middle and I'm folding laundry at the other end! How great is that?!

Monday, July 7, 2008


Matthew got a hair cut and I meant to update this with the pictures, but with the weekend activities, I spaced on getting them uploaded until now. Here goes-- he looks like a big boy now, no more curls. (Oh and yes, he's fully engrossed in Mickey Mouse in that first shot)

monday morning

Well Jamie did get home safely last night and Matthew's fever DID break! He woke up from his nap drenched in sweat and clammy cool to the touch. Praise the LORD! I'm still gonna continue the meds today to make sure we don't let it creep back, but he seems in a much better spirit already and that was the first night all weekend he didn't wake up mid way through the night. Whew! I slept the whole night away!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

another update

Quick update for today since I just put Matthew down for a nap...

So far no real change. He's mostly still really sore and sad and mopey and lethargic. If the fever would just brake, then we could focus on the throat solely, but oh well. I know that the fever means the body is fighting it so we battle on.

Still no word from Jamie. Hoping he'll call soon.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Matthew's first ER visit

Matthew had been to an urgent care before, but I think this was his first real ER visit-- I'll have Jamie correct me if I've blocked one out.

Well after another day of just lethargic-ness, and finally getting a peak at his throat, I got very nervous tonight. I called the nurse advice line and the nurse had me answer near 85 questions before she'd tell me one answer "Should I take my son to the ER or not?!" Based on the excessive drooling and lack of liquids and length of fever, she did suggest we go... So, I packed up my then sleeping child and off we went.

We checked in at 8:35 and I just got Matthew in his bed at 11:10 :( It was a rough night for someone already so worn out. (ha ha-- take your pick if you think that sentence meant him or me) Good news: it isn't strep yet. They did a rapid test and it came back negative and kept one to send off to be cultured to see if it develops into strep. Bad news: if it's not strep, then it's just a virus. The doc said the virus could last usually 3-5 days. If you're keeping track, today was day two. (Oh holy Hannah). I was told to continue to give him round the clock pain meds alternating every 3 hours between tylenol and motrin and encourage him to drink fluids. Which if you could only have peered into this house today is near IMPOSSIBLE. Matthew would take A SIP of a drink and hand it back to me crying and either saying "no momma" or just "owie." Enough to break my heart. His intake today consisted of maybe half a banana over the span of the day of him taking tiny bites of it and crying while he ate it but all the while asking for it, four mini rice cakes, and one and a half pediapops. Probably not even a total of 4 ounces of milk or juice between sips and crying. UGH! My poor baby.

Please continue to pray for him. Pray that I'll be able to get enough liquids in him somehow tomorrow so that this doesn't turn into dehydration. Pray that our Lord Jesus would lay His hand down on him and heal him up. Pray for his strength ... and mine. Pray that Jamie gets home safely tomorrow also. ...Thank you so much.

spoke too soon

Well, folks it's not over... About half hour ago Matthew started acting all lethargic again. So we're back to motrin and cough syrup. I'm really thinking his throat is just sore or worse, strep... so we'll be housebound until we can get into a doc or until it passes on it's own. :(

Quick update

(Happy birthday mom!)

Well Round 3-- bed time was fine. He fell asleep fairly easily with me rocking him... But then the fireworks started. UGH!

Round 4 however--through the night-- stunk. He woke up three times before 2. At 2 I went and got him and did more motrin...and he was awake until 4. At 4 he was placed back in his crib and stayed until 7. At 7 THANK YOU JESUS! The fever finally broke. So, we'll see how today goes. Thanks for listening.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Toddler Troubles

First. HAPPY FOURTH!!! Today is my daddy's birthday and so we've always said the fireworks are for him -- so if you're gonna be watching them, just know they are really for my dad LOL!

That being said, Jamie is on his yearly camping trip in the mountains. Hopefully it's nice weather there for him. We wont be able to communicate until Sunday thanks to the lack of service in the mountains but that's okay.

What's not okay is being a single parent when there is trouble. ((And Jamie my love, you know I mean nothing by your being gone. If you'd be here we'd be dealing with it together and I'm glad you get to go and get a break)) but... My word. I commend all that are single parents. If you are reading this and you are a single parent just know this-- you amaze me. Last night was our first night solo-- (and for the record, it's by no means my first night as a solo parent: as Jamie used to travel M-F weekly) and it was just awful. Matthew woke up at 2 crying his eyes out. I finally went in there at 2:20 when I decided it wasn't going to stop and he was baking hot, so crying with him, I got out the tylenol and some juice and we rocked for a half hour until he was asleep again. Him safely in the crib and me back in my bed, that lasted another half hour until he started calling for me. Sigh... So we rocked for another half hour with no returning to sleep, so we both returned to my bed. End Round one.

Round two today consisted of watching the same movie THREE times. (shoot me please) and laying as a floppy fish on me. We moved from Momma's big bed to the not big enough couch and back again. Currently Matthew is in on my bed watching said movie for the third time alone. It's the first lengthy trip I've been able to sneak away from him all day. The fever hasn't been horrible, at last check it was 100.99 but enough to make the day miserable. I'm hoping tonight that the fever will completely break and he'll be back to his happy self tomorrow. Please pray with me that my baby will get better and we can get some things done tomorrow. Thanks so much.

We'll see how Round three goes: bedtime...