Friday, July 4, 2008

Toddler Troubles

First. HAPPY FOURTH!!! Today is my daddy's birthday and so we've always said the fireworks are for him -- so if you're gonna be watching them, just know they are really for my dad LOL!

That being said, Jamie is on his yearly camping trip in the mountains. Hopefully it's nice weather there for him. We wont be able to communicate until Sunday thanks to the lack of service in the mountains but that's okay.

What's not okay is being a single parent when there is trouble. ((And Jamie my love, you know I mean nothing by your being gone. If you'd be here we'd be dealing with it together and I'm glad you get to go and get a break)) but... My word. I commend all that are single parents. If you are reading this and you are a single parent just know this-- you amaze me. Last night was our first night solo-- (and for the record, it's by no means my first night as a solo parent: as Jamie used to travel M-F weekly) and it was just awful. Matthew woke up at 2 crying his eyes out. I finally went in there at 2:20 when I decided it wasn't going to stop and he was baking hot, so crying with him, I got out the tylenol and some juice and we rocked for a half hour until he was asleep again. Him safely in the crib and me back in my bed, that lasted another half hour until he started calling for me. Sigh... So we rocked for another half hour with no returning to sleep, so we both returned to my bed. End Round one.

Round two today consisted of watching the same movie THREE times. (shoot me please) and laying as a floppy fish on me. We moved from Momma's big bed to the not big enough couch and back again. Currently Matthew is in on my bed watching said movie for the third time alone. It's the first lengthy trip I've been able to sneak away from him all day. The fever hasn't been horrible, at last check it was 100.99 but enough to make the day miserable. I'm hoping tonight that the fever will completely break and he'll be back to his happy self tomorrow. Please pray with me that my baby will get better and we can get some things done tomorrow. Thanks so much.

We'll see how Round three goes: bedtime...

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