Saturday, June 18, 2011


Someone does something wonderfully nice for you-- to make your day better, brighter, happier... and you injure yourself receiving it.

I swear, I really am Dori.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

some things

Micah is laughing now. This amazes me. Wasn't he just born last week? How is my baby three months old, laughing, and caught today on his side trying to turn over?!

It's been a while since I've been in a wedding.... I'd forgotten that it's hard. And this particular wedding more than any other-- I'm the MOH. anyone seen... that movie... Mr. Made of Honor... Mr... Male of... Made... shoot! I can't remember what it's called but it's got Mr. McDreamy as the male lead and he's been asked by his best friend to be her best man -- maid of honor... shoot! I can't come up with the title. Someone please leave a comment and tell this poor sleep deprived crazy what that movie is called.--- ANYHOW the whole point of the movie reference is that it's all about being the MOH. How the other chick is all uber jealous about not able to be the MOH and how McDreamy isn't doing the job proper justice and and and... ............. and.... I feel like there are so many tiny details to work it's self out and that I should be doing more than I am. anyhow, that was entirely more rambling and random than I think I meant to be about it. hmmm. ALL That said... I love it. I love being a part of this awesome day with my sister. We left the reception site tonight and I just looked at her and said "it's haaaaapennnnninnnnng!" It is. My sister is getting married and I couldn't be more tickled!

I found out tonight that a dear darling friend of mine's son was baptised on Sunday. I can't even begin to properly express my feelings of complete joy I have right now. PRAISE THE LORD! Praise the Lord !

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Micah's faces

Here are some faces Micah made yesterday.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


We also made it from STL to KC for a few days.
And baby Micah is right where he wants to be....

We made it!

The boys coloring in the car, on the very very long drive.

And we made it to Grandpa. It took 3 stops at McDonald's,
1 stop at Burger King, 1 rest station stop, a few gas stations and
a lot of crying... but we made it ! and I think we are all in one piece too.
Each kiddo got a turn on Grandpa of course...

And then Mr. Micah got to meet his great-grams.
Micah makes 15 great-grandchildren for her.

Friday, June 3, 2011

STL bound

We have the car packed ready for a day long adventure tomorrow... the next several (hopefully) blog posts will be trip updates. We'll be in MO for three weeks!

I love SUMMER!

I love the freedom that being a SAHM gives to allow me to make this trip each year.

I can't wait to spend some quality time with Nic and her munchkins this week.

I can't wait to spend some quality time with my parents!

I can't WAIT to spend some quality time with Kris next week before she becomes a MRS!

I can wait to sing at her wedding though-- I am BEYOND nervous for that one. I really am. I know it will all work out, but I'm nervous! I can't get through the dang song in PRACTICE without choking up, let alone AT my baby sister's wedding ceremony. I'm going to have to get it together though.

I can't wait to see some familiar STL sights and eat certain yummy foods... to see family I don't get to see ever and spend time just loving on them.

I can't wait for my grams to meet Mr. Micah... I've lost count of which number great-grandbaby he is for her. I need to recount.

I can't wait to do Matthew's fifth birthday in STL! He's very excited about having his party at Grammy's house.

So stay tuned.. there will be FUN updates to follow!

We just have to get through our 10+ hour drive to MO tomorrow! help me!