Thursday, April 16, 2009

make it stop

The screaming has got to stop. For over a month now, Mark has been doing poorly when it comes to eating. He just screams his ever lovin head off. At first I thought it was ears. Since he would only scream when laying flat to eat. But we ruled out ears after calling the doc and answering 50 questions... and it was sporadic, some days it would be every feeding, some days it's only one or two bad ones. So then I thought maybe it was me. It seemed that he was actually only refusing one side and not the other. So we googled and researched "baby feeding on one side and not the other" And I found volumes of moms who only nurse on one side (usually the left side, if that means anything) while kiddo refuses the other side (the right) and either they just pump the "bad" side or just let it dry up. Meh. Okay so what should we do? Should we let things on the "bad" side dry up or should I be trapped to the pump on that side now? We kept trying the feedings and then I'd pump when it was needed. We found in the research that moms who had one "bad" side would lay down when feeding that side and the baby would take the offending side. So we started trying that. Sometimes it worked great. Other times the screaming would just continue. He'd scream before he'd ever latch on sometimes, so I'd think "Oh God, it is me." I was sick a couple weekends back and I thought he was refusing me since I was sick . ....maybe it didn't taste right??? ***GOSH, the mind games mommy plays on her self**** SO, we popped a can of formula. After over an hour of screaming, he sucked down 4 ounces. YES! We figured it out. I just taste bad. Okay, or not... since the next three bottle attempts were awful and less than an ounce each try. Sigh. So, okay, try me again. Gulp gulp gulp. Okay, maybe it's not me... Sigh. What do we do now? We've tried just formula, just pumped milk, a mixture, and me in every possible position for the kiddo to nurse... Most bad feedings can last 40 minutes to 1.5 hours of screaming before he'll finally eat... so something's got to give. The screaming has to stop. My poor baby. I feel like the biggest mother of the year over here waiting this long, but we are going to the doctor today. I've been suggested by several moms over the last week or so that they think it's reflux. Please pass me my MOTY award. My poor baby probably needs real medicine and here I was just thinking "Oh I taste bad today?" "It's got to be better today" "Maybe it will be better today""Maybe today is the day....?" Come on. *super sad face* Great job Kate. Great job. So we'll be back with an update later as to what the doc has to say.

I will note that I have weighed him at a friend's house with a baby scale, he has gained weight since his last appt so I have not been starving my child. Thank you.

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