Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I choose happiness

I just thought I'd share in here (in case there are those not following along in my weight blog) that as of today, I'm starting anew in my weight loss efforts. I've been sort of gliding along lately. I know what I should be doing and I've only been skimming the surface. I've been doing juuuuuust enough to squeak by. Well I'm tired of that. I'm ready to CHOOSE HAPPINESS for myself and for our family and in order to do that I've got to choose HEALTHY. So today I joined two challenges on the ww message boards. One was a Shred challenge. (If you are losing weight and want a kick your rump work out, get Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred. Oy.) So today was day one. I did it. It killed me. But I was so proud. I am worth this. It sucks right now, but I'm choosing to save my life. And I'm choosing to make the quality of life with the three most important men in my life wonderful. I'm ready for more. I'm ready to GO. After Matthew was born it took me over a year and a half to lose 74 pounds. I can do this. I have already done it then, and now I'm just relosing what I know I can lose again. I'm watching the weight fall this time and I know it's for real. I want it to stay. I want to be happy. Watch me. I will do this in less time this time. I'm not going to dawdle this time. I am not willing to waste "poor me" time. It's over. This is war. Me against the weight. And the weight will not win.

I choose happiness.

1 comment:

Laelia Watt said...

You can do it! Be careful!