Sunday, April 26, 2009

tummy update

Mark seems to be doing somewhat better. I have to admit I've been erring on the side of more medicine rather than less, and I've been giving him the new doctor's recommended dose of Mylanta between some feedings when he seems particularly upset. All in all though I do think he is doing better. Something else that I've noticed is that when he's done eating, he's done. Matthew used to nurse for 45 minutes at a time and still want more. Mark just doesn't. If he eats 5 minutes or 10 or 15 and lets go, that's it folks. I am having a hard time shifting my thinking of "how Matthew did it" to "what Mark DOES." He's still been more fussy than content but at least it's not screaming in pain any more. Thankfully. I'm really glad for new friend's suggestion at her family's doctor. (Thank you Brenda)! Another thing I've been noticing as I talk to more and more moms about this and as I read my friend Holly's blog, this poor issue of the baby tummy troubles is so sad and affects so many. And it's so real.

Our previous Doctor McJerkyson makes me so mad becuase of his unwilling to see a real problem going on with my poor baby. I put this out as a plea to any mommas out there who think something IS wrong with their baby and not finding answers... GO somewhere else! Seek the opinion of someone who's willing to care about your baby's best interest, not their own. When I went to the new doctor and she was so concerned and so willing to do and try something to COMFORT my sad baby, I was certain I wasn't nuts. And finally began to feel like a good mom--something that I wasn't feeling hours before. When the doctor basically tells you that babies cry for many reasons and maby you're doing something wrong... you start to feel like you ARE doing something wrong.

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