Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The crying continues...

Ohhh my poor head.
My poor back.
My poor baby...

Yesterday Mark ate good in the early morning, then 11am to 1:30pm he screamed and refused to eat. Ate fine around 4. Screamed his head off and refused to eat from 7 until near 9... Resulting in me pumping from pain and then feeding it to him in a bottle which surprisingly he took gulping it.

Today similar story. Fine during the day... until about 4:30... ate sort of okay then, but mostly smiling and playing with me. Then at 7:30-9:15 just cried his head off. I got him to take a little bit but he just wouldn't settle.

I will be calling the new doc back tomorrow and at the encouragement of two different friends, ask if we should be increasing his meds. *sigh*

Don't ever think that "this is too hard" ... It can always get harder.

BUT I'm trying to lean on God through this. And that's hard. I feel so alone. I feel so bad for my baby. I feel like I'm failing him. A friend wrote me this in an email yesterday and I've been clinging to it all day today: He's not rejecting you, he's just confused and frustrated too.

I'll update more tomorrow after I call the doc again. Night all.

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