Wednesday, April 8, 2009

fishing in the garden

So, we've decided to plant a veggie garden. (more on that later I'm sure)

Tonight Matthew was out there with his own little shovel working along side Daddy while I was still inside with Mark... I go out there and Matthew is showing me this nasty long string tied to something metal at one end...

Matthew: "Look I fishing"
me: "Um, where'd he get that?"
Jamie: "he dug it up"
me: "He what?!"
Jamie: "He dug it up"
Matthew: "I dug it up in the dirt!"
me: "Great..."


Laelia Watt said...

haha! Great moment! Did you find out what it was?

Kate said...

no, it's just this long string,... like rope, tied to a metal piece of something, like 4 or 5 inches long. Jamie thinks it might have been a stake like thing in the ground and the rope was for a dog????? we have no idea.