Tuesday, May 10, 2011

10 on Tuesday

1. How did this happen? Micah is two months old today? Life continues to spiral away from me some time. Now is one of those times. When the pediatrician's office called to confirm Micah's two month appointment, I sort of sat there on the phone thinking, "Huh. Really?" How is he two months old already? But look at this face!! He's so stinkin' cute. I can't stand it some times. My blondie with blue eyes. He's so pretty. I just took this tonight, so it's accurate. Two months and bright eyed.

2. You see that child there, in the next picture?
The one holding his baby brother...
Yah, we just signed him up for Kindergarten.... I have such mixed feelings about this. I know he's ready to go. But given our food history, it's hard to release him into the wild, I mean... let him go off to "big" school by himself and do lunch every day and and and... He's ready for it though. He keeps asking if it's August yet. HOW do I have a Kindergartner?

3. Speaking of food issues... Matthew has done really good lately. I was so concerned that bringing a baby home into the mix of things would really hinder or make us back track and truly, that hasn't happened. Matthew's done a great job lately of trying new things and eating the foods we've already established. We do have bad moments, but they aren't all bad. The biggest thing is being able to make a sandwich for lunch. AND he doesn't seem to mind what kind of jelly/jam we use with it. Which is neat. I was STUCK on grape jelly as a kid and I'm happy to report that I now like other kinds.

4. With our picked strawberries, I'm really tickled proud to say that I actually made my very own strawberry jam (with the help of a sweet friend, thank you L) and I'm so pleased. It turned out really well. I plan to give a few jars away, but it's really nice to have something on the shelf that I MADE for my family to eat. And with the amount of pbjs I see in my future for school lunches, these jars will be eaten up. I'm hoping to go picking again just for the objective to make batches of jam.

5. I have made a post about Mother's Day in years past but this year do you know what... I didn't have Jamie take a picture with me and Micah. OOOPS. I will say though that his dedication day was Sunday and I have some pictures of this. They aren't great but that's okay. The important thing is that we stood with our church family and pledged to raise Micah in the eyes of the Lord, training him up to know his heavenly Father as best we can.

Here's Micah getting his diaper changed before the
dedication at church. Look at him as if to say
"Here fine. Here I am. Do you have to keep taking pictures of me?"
Please notice the cute bear pjs. Sigh. Mommy forgot the dedication outfit at home. Good job Mommy. Honestly, I know it doesn't matter in the long haul and it was fitting that his pjs the night before were bear ones. Our little Micah Bear.

The whole family after he'd been dedicated.

And here's what it looks like after such a long and busy day....

6. Family night--- Mother's Day night, we put in the movie Tangled and popped pop corn and shared in really our first ever "family movie night". And you know what? It was fun. Sure we had to stop the movie 4 times for Micah's fussiness and once for Matthew to potty... Mark wanted to eat Matthew's popcorn and and Matthew didn't handle that very well, but all in all it was fun. We enjoyed the movie together and it was nice just being a family.

7. My first "girl cake"...
Here's Kate's version of Tinkerbell. You could tell that, right?

8. ChuckEcheese AKA KIDS VILLE. We went to this very fun place for one of my friend's daughter's birthday party on Friday night last week and wow. there were kids EVERYWHERE. But the boys had a ton of fun. Micah was passed around and survived a bottle out in public instead of me nursing. Matthew found a little independence running around all over. Mark really had a blast with the games. He didn't care (or maybe understand) about the tickets, he just wanted to play the games and ride the car rides. I loved watching them have so much fun.

9. Have I mentioned on here lately how much I love my stockpile room now? Well I do. I love it. I actually went out there and organized a little more today after Mark and I took a publix run spending less than half of what we saved. Coupons rock. I had my first "How do you do that?" conversation with a person behind me at Kroger yesterday. That was cool. I spent 30 something and saved 79 with their Mega Deal event this week. Free is so fun.

10. I'm blanking on a ten so here's just another picture for you...

all three of my boys

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