Sunday, February 27, 2011

Feb Recap

For this month, I’ll keep with the same basic outline as I gave in Jan… however I’m guessing the update in March will be much more baby focused and a lot shorter due to the to-be-sure sleep deprivation heading our way.


I love deals. Love them. I don’t like shopping, but I really do like deals! I did go over budget again. It’s HARD to stay in budget. It really is. But like with Jan, I’m okay with it be/c I didn’t use the debit card to go over budget, I used my babysitting cash. I spent $386.46 with a budget of $360.00. Next month, when the babysitting money is gone, I’ll have to be much more careful about staying within the allowed amount.

My favorite deal from Feb was the Desitin score. I also am glad I’m stocked on things like trash bags, toothpaste, deodorant, body wash and also food things like veggie oil and oatmeal and canned tomatoes and rice and cereal… things that we’ll use up but it’s so cool to go to our stockpile rather than the store for these items when we need them.

I’ve stalled the stocking specifically of grains for now. It just doesn’t make sense and is really hard. I need to find a better tactic. This may be postponed until Summer when I wont be as hormonal or scattered about planning. Right now plans are a joke.

Book wise—

I did finish “Scream free parenting” I recommend it really for anyone who just wants to find more control over themselves. It’s not so much as a “here’s how you parent” book as it is a “here’s how you help yourself to be a better person, thus becoming a better parent” book. I will take much from having read it.

I’m apparently also however a Jane Austin failure. I could not finish Sense and Sensibility. I’m going to try Pride and Prejudice next month but I had to return the first one unfinished to the library. I was hung up in the language and the story was boring to me. I love the movie P&P, so hopefully being familiar with the characters will help me do better on this next one. Otherwise I may have to quit my group. haha

I need a new parenting/raising boys book. Any suggestions out there?

OT wise—

We’re still making slow slow progress. We had such a good streak with Jan not missing any days and trying a new food every day. Sadly, in Feb there has been three days we skipped be/c of life in the way of meal time. (Meal time not at our house, our control, on the go). I know in March this number may increase even be/c of the amount of people in and out of the house and me not fully in charge of my kitchen or Matthew’s needs, but we’ll strive to keep it going. I’m so proud of him. I really really am. The balking, whining, challenging me at meals has lessened greatly. It hasn’t stopped but it’s lessened. We still gag on certain foods and refuse to touch others but for the most part, he is doing good. We still have really horrible awful days. But, we are seeing slow slow progress but at least it IS progress at all. So I’m happy with that.

Baby news—

So far no baby. But that’s okay. Our due date is March 18th and we’re coming up to it quickly. It’s so wonderful in this past week to be focusing on this GROWING LIFE instead of where my mind usually is at the end of February. This is normally a very difficult emotional time for me, but God has chosen to bless me and to take His arms around me during this time this year. A year ago I lost our second angel to Heaven and three years ago, I lost our first. I still haven’t had an anniversary of this first angel be/c it was 2/29. Tomorrow is 2/28 and somehow, with God’s grace, this year is better. God is still God and HE is still faithful and this year He’s showing me His love and power and grace every day. He continues to bless me with this sweet miracle of new life within, this miracle baby growing inside me. Keep growing, little miracle. Keep growing, my baby bear. We will meet you soon enough and I will be so filled with joy to see you. I go back for a check up in the morning, so perhaps I’ll have one more baby update before the month is officially over. We’ll see what tomorrow brings.

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