Tuesday, February 8, 2011

baby in there

I haven't been posting many baby updates with this pregnancy, but I'm trucking along and getting closer to the finish line, so I'm guessing there will be more.

Yesterday I had a normal check up/appointment and it was eventful to say the least.

Dilated to a one already. That could mean something, that could mean nothing.

Oh yah, and I have a hernia... which explains why I feel like this child is coming out THROUGH my belly button. At night sometimes I just cry. I can't get comfortable. There is so much pressure. I thought it was be/c of a foot pressing on me or something, nope. Add one more to the "if it will happen, it will happen to Kate" theory.

Next week we have an ultrasound scheduled to check on baby's size and the fluid levels. We'll see what's going on at that point, if anything has changed with the hernia. Bad news is there is really nothing I can do. Tylenol that's it. Really bad news, if it doesn't heal on it's own after delivery, I'm looking at surgery 6 weeks post pardom. Great.... super great....

SOOO. I know God can do miracles and I'm going to start believing that this hernia will go away. I will NOT need surgery with a tiny one at home. And we'll make it to the most healthy delivery date we can. For me and baby bear in there.

...funny on Sunday, a girl in Matthew's Sunday school class said "Are you pregnant again?!" And I said "well, I'm still pregnant. It's the same baby still" (I'd been subbing in the class a couple weeks ago). She said "well, you need to go to the doctor get that baby out for real". How right you are little one.


Laelia Watt said...

Oh my- Out of the mouths of babes, as they say! I am praying for you!!

Tracy and Noah said...

Hang in there, Kate. I had gallbladder surgery about six weeks after Noah was born. Definitely not fun, but I figure it's one less organ I have to carry around!

Praying for you!