Thursday, January 13, 2011

Snow Day times 4 going on 5

Oh mercy. So seeing all the beautiful snow Sunday night falling down was wonderful.

Playing in the fun new snow Monday morning was so nice and new and exciting for the boys, truly wonderful.

Being home Tuesday due to the ice and having Jamie stay home with us for the day was a little like being on vacation and sort of wonderful.

Wed.... well... Wednesday we were starting to get a little cramped in here. The fun of it was gone. Why can't they go to school? Why can't Jamie go to work? There is still ICE every where. Atlanta just isn't capable of handling this type of storm. AND it just isn't getting warm enough to melt it all. Wednesday was a little trying. The wonderfulness was wearing off.

Today was Thursday... Jamie left for work and two hours later returned home after going not far at all, saying he'd passed accidents and people sliding left and right and sat parked on the on ramp to the highway for 20 minutes. Nope. No further going for him. The kids have used up all the fun from their toys and now the only thing that is fun is hitting each other or running from one piece of furniture to the next throwing your whole body into it and flopping around making the parents of the house a little crazy. I think Matthew is over TV and and can only color 400 pages in three days for fun. Today I printed him off MANY preschool worksheets including: counting, coloring, letters, matching, shapes... and he whizzed through then. Let me tell you that today was not so wonderful. I think we're all about ready to pull our hair out. I miss my car. I miss female companionship. I miss other human interaction besides the two small people in this house shrieking all the time.

Tomorrow will be day 5 of being snowed/iced in. There is no school tomorrow again. We've yet to know if Jamie will be going to work or not. (Granted, while he's been home he's been trying to work remotely. Try telling the squealing two year old to "shhhh daddy's on the phone" it's a joke!)

I will say this... THANK YOU JESUS FOR MY STOCKPILE. Seriously. I mean Saturday I was at walmart processing pictures... I saw CRAZY PEOPLE with gallons and gallons of milk in their carts, emptying the soup and bread aisles. I thought, "yah right" ... we've been down here 6 years, I haven't seen more than a couple of inches which melted the next day, you know? We're not going to see any snow sticking and staying on the ground for days ! HA! ... well I was wrong. but at least I was also prepared. We haven't run out of meals to make. We haven't run out of milk be/c I usually buy four at a time since these crazies go through it so fast. We haven't run out of canned goods. We're getting dangerously low on fruit but enough to at least make it through tomorrow I think: 3 bananas and 3 apples left and also a small bag of frozen blueberries. Today we did empty the eggs be/c I made a big "breakfast for dinner" and we ran out of (randomly) pepper. However, there is still meat in the freezer (two whole chickens, ground turkey from a crazy sale, hotdogs, and an opened and unopened bag of nuggets). We still have pasta and plenty of canned and frozen veggies... we still have bread in the freezer as well as nice homemade loaves I made yesterday. So, really we're doing okay. A friend made it to the store the other day and put a pic on FB of the EMPTY meat section. Trucks just can't get in to restock the stores. I don't like being out of eggs, that's just annoying. And I don't like not having a good stash of fruit for my fruit-a-holics, but I'm really pleased with how we aren't neeeeeeeeeding to go to the store. If the milk and cereal and chicken nuggets last... I think we'll be okay.

1 comment:

Brenda's Brushes said...

I hear ya & I'm glad it is behind us...whew!!