Friday, January 7, 2011

OT update

So, after writing my goals for 2011 and one of those being to give OT honest effort.... guess what happens to OT? Sadly, it needs to stop for the time being. Two days ago I was very depressed about this. I was a mess. I'd been on the phone with the pediatrician's office, Children's hospital, back and forth emailing with therapist Jennifer and a friend who's an OT as well, Laura. I'd been on the phone with my mom, Jamie at least 5 times, Nancy, Nic... ugh... It was just a bad day.

What happened was, it's a new year. Insurance plan changed BIG TIME. And right now, they wont cover therapy sessions. These sessions cost $332.00 per week. Can you even begin to imagine spending that kind of money on an HOUR long session PER WEEK!? Eeek. We can't swing that. We can't even try to negotiate swinging that. So, until we meet our deductible -- our hefty, hefty deductible, Matthew's sessions will be on hold.

That said, we still have Jennifer's support and encouragement. We are making our own charts and will attempt to continue to move forward with each bite at each meal. I've got a "Miss Jennifer Chart" and a "chore chart which includes table chores" AND we have a "new food calendar" to help us bridge this hurdle. My prayer right now is that we don't go backwards. Even if we stay at status quo for a month or two, my prayer is that we don't slide back. Will you please pray with us for strength to overcome each day, patience for me to do what I say and say what I mean, strength and courage for Matthew to approach the table positively, fear that Matthew has at the table to be gone, and God's healing peace over all this in our lives, in our house, at our table? Thank you so much.

I want to repeat something from my goals post, I need to keep telling myself this OVER and OVER. THERE IS TRUTH HERE. THE DEVIL CAN'T HAVE MY HOUSE...

God is already in complete control... And DEVIL BE WARNED, WE WILL OVERCOME BECAUSE WE ARE OVERCOMERS. My main goal in this area is to not let the Devil get me down. To not let the Devil push me around. He can't have my family dinner time as his stomping ground and play pen anymore. This is a sacred time that our family has been yearning for that Jamie and I long to no longer dread each day and it stops here. We are making headway, we will continue making headway and we will be at peace at the table with the help of Christ Jesus!

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