Tuesday, August 31, 2010

10 on Tuesday--The Nic edition

Here's my ten on Tuesday trip review:

1. She met me at the airport with my favorite starbucks drink (coffee-free of course)! What a way to start the trip. Nothing says, "Hi. I love you" like being greeted with starbucks!

this was us Friday night
(((Jessica, do you see the bump shirt?!?!)))

2. I think my most favorite part of the trip might have been our waffle driveway picnic breakfast and sidewalk chalking time with the kids Saturday morning. The only thing missing in that special time was my own boys. We were out there for a long while and it was so beautiful. Not a cloud in the sky.
Waffle breakfast picnic

Nic with her cuties

Nic and Jonathan

Allie and Aunt Kate

3. I love my pretty toes!

4. I loved catching up on movies I hadn't seen yet: The Proposal (SO FUNNY) and Romy and Michelle (it was good!)

5. Nic won the pie eating contest.

6. I loved when Allie and I read together on the couch.

7. Jonathan is getting WAY too big and WAY too smart.

8. Allie is beautiful. She's going to be a heart breaker.

9. Oh look! I got a birthday cake, with candles and singing and everything. I hated that Matthew missed it. but isn't it so pretty?!

10. March is a very long way away.


Nic said...

Wow! A 10 on Tuesday post devoted to me - I feel special!

So glad you had a great time. It was wonderful to see you and have Nic & Kate time again!!!!

I whole-heartedly agree about #10. *sigh*

Kate said...

I love you!

Anonymous said...

Hey... The song...Kansas City...
sung by... Len Azerolo... duh! That was easy!

Love u


Kate said...

Daddy, that totally made me tear up. I love you.