Sunday, August 22, 2010

The most wonderful time of the year....

And no, I'm not meaning Christmas just this one time. Today is my most favorite day of the year. Don't exactly know why it means THAT much to me, but it just does. My sister's birthday was yesterday and tomorrow is mine. And for this one day only, we're only 1 year apart in age instead of 2 years. I've always loved this day. She called me today and said "I know it's your favorite day of the year today" and it just is. I didn't think she'd think about it any. I didn't say anything about it yesterday. I don't' really think I say anything about it any other day of the year unless you're taking some silly friending quiz, you know and there's a question like "what is your favorite day of the year?" and then I get to answer: August 22nd! 22 happens to be my most favorite number anyhow. Don't know why. Maybe it evolved from this date business, I'm not sure. So it's a double win for me. I'm particularly fond (cough) of even numbers. So there's a triple bonus maybe? Uh-huh, I totally know I'm rambling. But oh well. If you want to read the ramblings of a slightly delusional white chick, then you're in the right place. If you don't, then "go away eh" (Brother Bear quote). So there you go... for me... Today was the most wonderful time of the year... with the kids jingle belling and everyone telling you be of good cheer... Oh yah, I got distracted. Christmas is then my next most wonderful time of the year of course. So yah. ... Yesterday Jamie said something about Silver Bells and that song was in my head all day. mmmm Christmas music rocks.

Anyhow, Happy yesterday Kris.
Happy tomorrow me.
Happy day. Today.

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