Thursday, August 26, 2010

I'm so excited!!!!

And I just can't hide it!!!!!!!!!!!

Tomorrow I will be face to face, arm in arm with my best friend. WHEW! It's been too long and it will be even longer still after this weekend until the next time (which we wont talk about again thank you!) I just can't wait until tomorrow. We have a CRAMMMMMMED weekend planned with lots of fun events and family things to do. I hope we can manage to get it all squeeeeezed into a short weekend trip (and still have time for me to nap!) Anyhow I have the boys sorted (thank you T!), a ride to the airport established (thank you N!), and some much needed me time while I wait for the flight! Yipppppie! I'm hoping this weekend besides being wonderful to see Nic and family and spend some great time with her and make some great memories with her kiddos, I'm hoping that this weekend will also help recharge my mommy battery. Things have been very hard lately. I'm so tired. a. lot. I just want to sleep all the time. I can't of course. My kids need you know the attention that they deserve during the hours that they themselves are awake, but lately, it's just been harder. I'm tired, I'm grouchy, I'm anxious... and I'm ready to charge that up and come home nicer and tolerant... It's hard sometimes to remember that the children are children. I ask Matthew sometimes to help me with this chore or that chore, but he doesn't have chores-chores yet. He doesn't truly understand there is ALWAYS a cause and effect. I can't make him answer me as to WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY he would rather sit in the chair with the poop in his pants, crusting on him, as opposed to coming to tell me he had an accident. I can't make him understand that it is BETTER for him and me if he'd poop in the potty. (That was tonight's little battle as I was two minutes from leaving the house for the evening). But I'm tired of being cranky so much. I want to cherish him for being him. For being a child. For exploring the world while he's trying to learn about it. I want to love him for being him. GOOFY and loud and all. So. Instead of butting heads with him this weekend I will be missing him, and hopefully I will come back and be a better mommy because of my much needed break.

So! "Look out Kansas City, Kansas City here I come!"

(Leave a comment if you know the song/singer)

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