Tuesday, August 17, 2010

10 on Tuesday

Two in a row. Nice huh?

1. We had a great time visiting Nana this past weekend. It had been over a year since the boys had been down there to see her. Jamie had seen her twice in between though. We’re hoping to go down again around Christmas time and then if I can travel again in Feb for her 90th birthday! The five hour drive isn’t too bad when you break for a meal and gas part way. and it really is worth it to see all the family we just don't communicate with otherwise. They are such sweet and fun people. I love being down there.

2. I still can’t believe I left my camera there. We got the car unloaded and started putting up things and I thought “OH NO!” sigh. Oh well. Hopefully it comes soon.

3. Matthew is doing good at school. I’m so pleased with where he is and how he’s doing. He has a tiny bit of homework most nights. So far it’s been color a picture or write your name or something, but it makes him feel important. I also really like it. It adds a bit of structure to our afternoons. This is nice for me. Mark is also enjoying this time be/c he gets to eat colors color pictures.

4. Thought I’d update about something mentioned in last week’s 10 things… I did square away the plans to go to KC and see Nic. I’m so tickled. I’m getting to go next weekend the 27th for two nights, by myself. Thank you to Nic for arranging it and a giant thank you to Jamie who’s staying home with the natives. It’s going to be a long time until late March or early April when we’ll see each other again but maybe this mini trip will get us through.

5. Something else to update… I mentioned we’re expecting again. I have a repeat ultrasound on Thursday. This was the marker where I was planning on telling people, so I’m praying that we’ll have good news Thursday, since I spilled the beans early. I can’t wait to see this tiny miracle again and to hear the heart beating strongly.

6. It is way too early for me to know if this one is a girl. Please don’t ask. You’ll find out when I do, after the baby is born. After losing two babies to Heaven I wouldn’t care if it was part alien in there as long as it’s born. Healthy is my goal. I don’t care so much about he or she.

7. My birthday is next week. I’m glad for it. I’ll be back on an even number. I’m not superstitious at all, but I just don’t like odd numbers. 27 has been a hard year. Hopefully 28 will be better.

8. Life is just so hard sometimes. So unfair. Course no one said life was going to be fair and the Bible even speaks of the hardships and heartaches we will have. Right now I’m thinking specifically about Lindsay and Mandi. I hope you precious dears are hugged and loved today.

9. I’m very pleased for my mom. She started a new job yesterday and is in a new season in her life.

10. I need a nap.

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