Monday, May 3, 2010

Other Mothers

Remember those devotionals that I was receiving the Proverbs 31 emails sent daily... well... I have a confession to make. Each day, since our sad news in Feb, I've been archiving the emails, without reading them. Yesterday I was struck with some truth that my husband actually said during our Sunday School class time. He said "Think about something you were doing that you know is in the will of God, but you've stopped doing it... and see if you can ramp it back up again this week." Wow. I don't even know if he knew I stopped reading my daily devotions emails. I don't know if he knew he was speaking to me right then. But I heard the message, Lord. Thank you for using Jamie. I would like to go back and read those that I've stored, but for now, I started with today and read today's when it came through. The title "Other Mothers." Oh... sure. Let me get emotional right off the bat. Thanks. But what a thought provoking message. As women, Titus 2 teaches us to teach other women. That means that we'll have influence in other women's lives and we'll have other women influencing us... I do love my mom and blood-related grandmothers dearly. I'm so blessed to still have my Grams alive with me available for calling and asking household/cooking questions to glean from her, but I'm also so very grateful for the "other mothers" God has put in my life. Right now, just thinking off the top of my head, I can count around 5. Thank you. Each of you.

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