Friday, May 7, 2010

things I say... or hear...

Throughout a day, these are some of the things you might hear said at my house. Some of them make sense. Some of them get said, and I wonder WHY they had to be said.

"Don't put that in your hair!"

"Don't hit your brother"

"Why is there peanut butter all over your shirt?!"

"What happened to this cup? How did it spill?"

"Don't hit your brother!"

"Please be a nice friend!"

"Can't you be a nice brother!?"

"Why are you on the top of the couch!"

"Stop! He's hitting me!"

"Mooooooommy, I want to watch a movie!" (he already has one on)

"Cup! Cup! Cuuuuuup! oooo! Cup!" (this is Mark)

"Listen to me!"

"Please just listen to me!"

"He's not leaving me alone!"

"I had that"

"I wanted that first"

"I don't want to go potty, I already went." (sigh)

"Don't hit yourself in the head!"

"Why are you hitting yourself!?"

"Stop hitting your brother with the shoe!"

"No hitting!"

"Mommmmmy! Make him stop hitting me!"

"Why is there a cracker in this block?"

"I don't need any jammahs! I'm not going to bed!"

"Stop hitting your brother with a train!"

"Stop hitting your brother with the flashlight!"

"No hitting!"

"Stop hitting your brother with the chalk!"

"Stop hitting your brother with your cup!"

(Anyone see a theme?)

Here's a good little convo from today:
Matthew: Mommy I'm hungry.
Me: We are going to eat dinner when daddy comes home. You can have some fruit now or wait.
Him: I'm not hungry.
Me: Well fine, I'm sorry. We're still going to eat dinner when daddy comes home.
Him: I'm maybe just a little hungry. Can I have some candy?
Me: No. You can't have candy. You can have dinner, when daddy gets home.
Him: Can't I just have some candy now and dinner later.
Me: No. you can't.
Him: Is a banana candy?
Me: No... it's fruit. why?
Him: Can I just have that now and then candy dinner later?
Me: You can have a banana now, sure. But we're not eating candy for dinner.
Me: (thinking: WHERE in all that did I say you can have candy for dinner later?!?!?!) Sigh!


Jen said...

LOL Kate! I am going through all this with one and imagine that it will be the same with #2. DS tells me all the time that he wants "junks" for dinner. I can't help but laugh and then break his little heart when I tell him no.

Laelia Watt said...

This is so hilarious...and I will now pray for your sanity...haha! My favorite one is the question, "Why is there a cracker in this block?" random...and the conversation you had later was very funny and yet frustrating! The reasoning of youngins can be so odd, but pretty impressive that he got around to that conclusion. :D

Kate said...

Laelia, the cracker question was actually said by Jamie, asking me. I'm like, "how should I know?! Ask the two little people who eat the crackers." LOL

Jen-- seriously right.