Sunday, May 16, 2010

a proud sister

That's what I am lately. I'm just so proud of my sister. She's completed not only three years of undergraduate schooling but also now the next step, she earned her graduate degree. She is officially a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. She can sign her name K M A, DVM! It's amazing! I'm so proud of her. She has done something that so few people actually do.... dream about something from childhood, pursue it and actually obtain it. For as long as I can remember she's wanted to be a veterinarian. She's always loved animals. We weren't allowed to have pets growing up, unless they fit in my dad's fish aquarium, but that didn't lessen her love for the four legged animal variety. At 12 she was given a beautiful horse. She and the horse already had a relationship and already owned each other. She'd been present at Sweetie's birth and helped wipe her off after birth during this special time called imprinting. The horse already thought she belonged to Kris anyhow. Since that day, through her love of animals and her devotion to her studies, she's only had one goal in mind... to become a veterinarian. It was so awesome, watching her walk across the stage Friday to get that diploma and to earn this great title. It was wonderful, sitting there with our family--we took up a whole row in the auditorium. My parents, my grams, our dear friend Peggy, Brian (her fiancee) and his parents, my family of four, Nic's family of four and a cousin's family of four. We were oh so proud. I'm so proud of her. I love you, Kris Kringle! ... I mean, um, Doctor!

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