Monday, June 15, 2009

More on Coupons...

So far, I've gotten the Sunday paper and pulled out the coupon section from it. Have I opened it up? nope... haha! I feel like a mouse in a circle maze just running round and round without anywhere to go. There's so much to do and I am not sure exactly how to proceed.

Things I've also done this weekend: I called my regular store and got my address info updated so I'll be now getting their store mailer in the mail. Interesting that I'd never thought to do that before, but it was a suggestion on the grocery game site so I nodded along and opened my phone and called Kroger customer service.

Also that being said, I did sign up on the grocery game site. For $1.00 you get to try the site for four weeks. Not bad at all huh?! So I signed up Saturday I think. This morning I went through the different lists and printed off things I think would be helpful. I have a two lists of deals and I'm hoping I have the coupons for the things I see that would be good savings to us... it may take a couple weeks of compiling coupons before I can really get underway .... as before now, I'd always (Mel, I'm so sorry!) thrown out (GASP!) coupon booklets that I'd cut coupons from and thought I didn't "need" anymore. ACK! This I'm learning is no no no. Save those booklets. You don't know what will be on sale next week or next week or the next week... Got that figured out now.

What I thought about coupons have so changed drastically lately. What I used to think was so easy... look through the insert, cut out what you'd like to save $0.50 on, use that and save your 50 cents is SOOOO not the best way to use the coupons.

I'm sitting here amazed at The Coupon Goddess's most recent "purchase" including 3 free gallons of milk. HUH!? Go here to see her amazingness.

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