Sunday, October 5, 2008

three things

Thoughts on three things...

1. Relay for Life went great this past Friday night. I had surpassed my personal goal of 250 dollars by about 60 dollars! Our team raised nearly 3500 dollars to fight cancer! I'm so proud to be a part of it and look forward to doing it again next year and raising even more money in the name of a CURE! One of the things that is the most moving (emotionally) at Relay is the luminaries that line the track. Luminary are lit in honor or memory of those who are battling or have battled cancer. Hundreds of them lined the track on both sides. Hundreds. Looking at each name on each bag as you walk past chokes you up thinking about every name belonging to another person. When I found my dad's bag I literally almost cried out loud. There he was. There was his name. I walked and raised all this money for him. I pray that as he battles the cancer this time, it will really be the end of it. I'm so thankful for my dad and for his life... I took a picture of his bag with his candle glowing for HOPE...

2. Recently we made up Matthew's big boy bed. Just thought I'd share a pic about that too. He hasn't yet slept in it. Though we've been having story time on it in the afternoons before nap and sometimes before bed. I'm hoping when we do transition it will go smoothly. I'll update on that as it happens. For now it is just harboring a gathering of stuffed animals. He was so cute about it the night we set it up, which this shot was taken.

3. And lastly, here's the most recent belly picture for you. Today's the 5th, if you go back in the blog world to September 5th, to see the difference, it's pretty great. Today is 28 weeks, the start of the third trimester! I'm so glad. Though, I can't believe it's already here! And the baby will be here before we know it. :) I have an ob check up tomorrow. We'll see what is said about the size of the belly then and I'll update accordingly. Cheers.


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