Monday, October 6, 2008

baby update

Nothing like a whirlwind of emotions to start your day...

I had a rough appt for sure. I gained *ahem* 15 pounds in four weeks. (Oh holy crapola!) and am measuring 6 weeks ahead. (Last OB appt we were measuring 4 weeks ahead) so needless to say my MW was a little on the concerned side. She said she wanted to do an u/s today to see what the fluid levels were surrounding the baby and to see if we needed to check the kidneys of baby, if the fluid levels were in danger zones... SOOOO I was a mess emotionally as my thoughts went all over the "what if's" while I sat in the waiting room to be "squeezed in" to an u/s appt. THEN having to wait some more afterward while the u/s tech got the results ready for my MW to call me back in and tell me them...

Fortunately I didn't have to wait too long for the u/s. In fact, I didn't even get to call Jamie to tell him in between. But I did have a little bit of a wait after that while they got the results ready. That was hard. BUT it was beautiful seeing my little Manna again. And while I was waiting the second time, I was staring at his or her sweet face, curtisy of the u/s tech who gave me a pic to take home.

After all the waiting, the good news is we ARE okay. The levels of fluid are HIGH but they aren't ABNORMAL. So, my MW says we'll just keep watching. She said if I'm still measuring this far ahead next time or further (oh my word, I can't possibly measure even further out can I?!), then we'll do another u/s to double double check and make sure that the fluid levels don't increase into danger levels. If that happens THEN we'll have to monitor and test the kidneys but for now we didn't have to. WHEW!

So, we ruled out two of the three options that were potential scenarios for today from last appt.

1. There is only ONE baby. The u/s tech even did a 3D shot to make double double sure. The possibility of twins is ruled firmly out. (God help us if they are wrong come December!)
2. The baby measured only a week ahead for his or her personal growth. I'm 28 weeks and 1 day today, and baby measured at 29 weeks and 3 days. Roughly about 3 pounds. So THUS FAR, we aren't looking at a large baby...

MW just said that because of all the fluid, my uterus is providing an penthouse suite instead of a measly apartment for living space. LOL

Anyhow, I'll appreciate all healthy thoughts and prayers for my baby and his/her kidneys as we progress along in the pregnancy. Thank you.

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