Sunday, October 12, 2008

3D baby

I've been pondering on whether to share this with the world or not but I think I will...

If you would have asked me "are you all going to do 3D pictures?" I would have probably said "uh, no." And in my head I'd ask 'don't you need money to do those at a special session?'

Well, at the last appt with all the fluid measuring going on, the u/s tech asked if she could "play with something" I was totally unsure to what she was referring, but said "sure." And this was the result. She gave me a 3D picture to take home... She said there was more but she couldn't give me but the one for free. They were checking the 3D stuff out anyhow, I just didn't know it. So getting a free 3D shot at 28 weeks is pretty amazing. It's hard to think about this creature inside me now as anything less than a fully put together child, knit by the Master. Would I have paid for a 3D session or bought a 3D video? Still probably not... Would I trade this picture? Nope. It takes my breath away every time I look at it. I simply can not get over how formed he or she truly is. I love that little nose already. What a difference the reg u/s picture is compared to this 3D one. How much more connected to my Manna baby I feel now that I've seen "more" of him or her. God's love, God's mercy, God's miracle of life is truly amazing.

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