Saturday, October 18, 2008


Just some updating for all to see.

1. This weekend we got a futon from a friend, so instead of the large bins that hold our toys, I now have "lost" the bins and everything is in baskets or buckets on the bookshelf. This is what it looked like after Jamie and I cleaned it up this morning. And surprisingly so far it still is like that, though Matthew had little playing time today since we were out most of the day. We'll see how long it stays that way when he's had at it. Ha ha.

2. Jamie does pull ups. If you've been to our house, you know there is a pull up bar in one of the main door ways. Matthew typically asks for a turn and we lift him up to "get strong"... well today something new happened. Jamie grabbed Matthew with his legs and swung him. So Jamie's got his hands on a bar, and neither of their feet are touching the floor. They had a great time. Jamie got a good workout though, because Matthew kept asking "again?!" Next time you're doing pull ups, add thirty pounds to your feet and see how many you can do! We were all laughing hard! It was so funny!

3. Last weekend we went to the wedding of one of Jamie's cousins. Here are some shots from that. I love the one of the three Hobbs men walking hand in hand to the wedding. So cute. The wedding was really nice. After the pastor did the final prayer and said "amen" before announcing Mr and Mrs... Matthew added his own "AMEN" Loudly. oh well. :) It was a nice night and fun party.

4. I go back next Monday for another OB appt. I'm praying that I wont be any further in measurements than what my MW wants to see. I've got to get through the next week. I'm still praying daily for the baby's kidneys. That they are working properly and functioning well and there wont be any issues with them before or after birth. Thank you for your continued prayers on that.

5. In big boy bed news; Matthew has done great great great. I couldn't be more pleased. He's had one day since starting that was just awful. Up and down the whole time, eventually no nap came of it but since then, it's been back to normal and he's done so well. I tell him each time I put him down to "stay in his bed" and he (except that one day) does. It's amazing. When he wakes up, he calls out "Momma, I stayed the bed. I need the help. Momma, I stayed the bed!" It so cute. And I love that he's disciplined enough TO ACTUALLY stay in the bed and wait for me to come get him. I know eventually he'll just get up and we'll face a new battle, but for now, he's doing so good!

I think that's all the news I have.


6. MY SISTER IS AMAZING. She is done done done with her classes for her vet program. She has a ceremony tomorrow and I'm sad we wont be able to be there with her. Tomorrow she gets her white coat! Then next week she starts orientations and clinicals! A year and a half to go and we'll have a Doctor on our hands. I'm so proud of you, Kris.

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