Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Growing up

My baby is growing up. He's getting to the point where he really tries to repeat most everything that is said if you ask him to say ___, he attempts it. Sometimes the words sound remarkably close and other times they are FAR from them but still very fun all the same. Here are some recent attempts: Grandma = Doba, Grammy = Dobie, Fork= uhuck, the number five is still 'yesh' and the word fish is still a horrible noise in his throat, Mickey (as in Mickey Mouse) is still Bigggy! and 'ah dat' in any other language might be jibberish but to Matthew it clearly says "What's that?!", his name: Matthew is currently 'Ah-dew', Azerolo sounds like "ahlolololow" and Hobbs is just "up" LOL!

He can say and identify around 20 letters, 6 numbers (not in order), about four colors (and get the color right with what he's holding), can tell you what the following animal noises make: sheep (the best one he does), rooster, lion (sometimes), duck (complete with hand motions), cow, dog, monkey, and probably one or two more I'm forgetting. He's so smart! I love watching him learn.

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