Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Oo Esus?

Mark has this thing we do every day that we drop off Matthew at school...
Matthew leaves the car.
The car door shuts.
Mark starts his role call...

"Oo Matshew?" (Oo, in Mark speak = where)
"Matthew's at school. Say bye bye Matthew"
"Byeee Matshew." (pause) "Oo Daddy?"
"Daddy's working"
"Daddy erkin"
"Daddy's working. Yes."
"Oo Momma?"
"Momma's driving"
"Momma drivin" (pause) "Oo Markie?"
"Markie's riding"
"Oh. Markie ridin" (pause) "Oo Matshew?"
sigh. "Matthew's at school"
"Oh. Oo Daddy?"
sigh. "Daddy's working"
"Oh. Oo Momma?"
sigh. "Momma's driving. Where's Markie?"

Sometimes this repeats two, three, four... a lot of times. Today it repeated all the way from dropping off Matthew, to the post office, in the post office, from the post office to Walmart and into Walmart... However. I think he got bored with only four options.

In Walmart's parking lot he started with "Oo Grandpa?"
and "Oo Grammy?"
and "Oo Ris?"
and "Oo Rocky?"
and "Oo Kiki?"
and "Oo Jonfan?"
and "Oo Nanceeee?"
and then the one that made me stop in my tracks was "Oo Esus?"
Blink. Blink. "Jesus?" I asked him.
"Yah. Oo Esus?"
Big smile. "Markie, Jesus is in your heart." and I touched his chest.
"Mine art?"
"Yes baby, right there. That's where Jesus is"
His answer has melted me into a puddle. "YAY!!!!!!!! Mine art Esus!"

1 comment:

Laelia Watt said...

OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!! That is amazing!!! So ridiculously precious. I say with him, "YAY! Mine art Esus too!"