Monday, December 6, 2010

and it starts...


Hello folks. I'm in week 25 of this pregnancy and apparently the general public decided tonight would be a good night to comment on the LARGE state of my mid-section. Sigh again.

-Sitting in a waiting room today in a conference center...
-Annoying woman talking too loudly to anyone who'd listen across the way.
-Big bowl of candy in front of me on counter.
-Book I'd brought currently in my bag as I wasn't able to focus on that with previous mentioned loud woman talking to the room.
-Big bowl of candy screaming at me. Maybe a piece of something lovely in my mouth would tune this woman out of my head....
-I rise, fix my shirt and reposition my coat, fluff my scarf while walking to the bowl.
-Joking to a different, nice quiet woman on my other side, I said "it was staring at me long enough"
-She smiled and nodded and went back to staring off into nothing.
-Annoying woman decided that it was her job to comment since nice quiet woman didn't.
-She said "yah, whenever I eat a lot of candy, my husband always asks if I'm pregnant again."
-I stare down at my ONE piece of butterscotch and think "really"?
-I make a half hearted chuckle.
-She then says "So you're having a Christmas baby, huh?"
-"No" I say with my eye brows raised (and in my head I think "I already have one!")
-She then says "oh well when are you due?"
-Internal sigh. At this point I realize we're about to discuss my size. First time so far with this one. Great..... "March" I say simply.
-"Oh my, you're having twins, huh?"
-REALLY?! I'm that big?! REALLY?
-Again with the eyebrows raised pretty high as I shake my head and say "Nope."
-"Oh well. I bet that baby is just huge huh? Ten pounds?"
-Well... at 6 months, I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT S/HE WILL WEIGH AT BIRTH YOU MORON. She's already gone on and on about her 11 month old and 27 month old, having children 16 months apart is so hard blah blah blah... so I KNOW she's been pregnant at least twice, right? You think if someone has walked the walk, then they know not to talk any talk! UGH! With the other four or five women in the room waiting for my reply, I again tried the simple answer, "Well, you never know how big the baby will be at this point."
-And her mouth opened again... "Yes but that one is really big."
-The nice quiet woman to my left shifted, the hat wearing don't talk to me woman kitty corner to me glanced backwards at annoying woman and I just nodded. Great. Great. Just great. Thanks a lot. Ugh.

--Oh and before I went into the conference room, when my name was called--- I went back to the bowl for a second piece of butterscotch, if I'm already enormous, what's another piece right? Snort.


HOLLY said...

I really wish people would think before they speak...sorry Mama!

Laelia Watt said...

Wow...I am often surprised at people's stupidity...but I really shouldn't be...that woman dug herself into a hole and then kept going all the way to China. Wow. I am so sorry!