All day Monday it felt like the weekend with Jamie being off work. Then yesterday in my head felt like Monday... so I woke up today ready to do my "Ten on Tuesday" for the first time in a long time and heh, I'd missed Tuesday. Oh well, here's Ten on Wed for you.
1. I'm so stinkin' happy for my best friend and her new job! I'm also praying for other job situations.
2. Mark caught the bad bug. I thought we were so in the clear. All day Monday, no one was puking. All day Tuesday, no one was puking... Tuesday at 9pm, however, in his bed, Mark started. Ugh. We knew we were in for a long night. Jamie cleaned up the puke while I held Mark on the couch. I passed him to Jamie so I could start the laundry since his lovey (boc) blanket was nasty. While starting the laundry, Jamie got puked on. He passed me Mark and striped down and Mark puked on me. It was one of those laugh or cry about it scenes. I started laughing and couldn't stop. We got all cleaned and settled on the couch and Mark puked on me again. He's now on Jammy 3, I'm on Jammy 2... By 11pm, he'd gotten sick twice more and we'd both changed clothes again. By 1am, we were more than all worn out.
3. Jamie's parents brought us their old couches. We now have new couches in our living room! I'm so tickled. They are GREAT couches! (THANK YOU GUYS AGAIN!) This morning I had a carpet cleaner come and treat them with sanitizer and a carpet protectant something or another with a steam cleaning treatment. This is what our living room currently looks like, as the couch cushions are drying. I'm sure I'll post "new couches" pics when we are put together.

4. This is what Mark is doing while he's recovering without a couch to sit on. Pedialite in one hand, sitting with his new pillow pet and watching Blue's Clues...

5. I love my kitchen aid already. LOVE IT. Here's a picture of my new favorite toy. And so much for "I'll be making bread soon" in my previous post. I so made sugar cookies yesterday to try it out.

6. Random thought about my hearing aid... I hate battery day. Every ten days you have to change the battery. Nice huh? That's kind of often. More often than I thought it would be anyhow. But regardless, there it is. So on battery day so far this has happened... 1 time I was at a friend's house when my low battery beeped and shut off and I was without a new battery. That pretty much sucked. 1 time I was driving and had problems hearing Matthew in the backseat and was getting frustrated with "the stupid thing not working" and after I'd dropped him off, it beeped. A little "ohhhh" moment occurred when I realized that I probably was struggling be/c the battery was failing. Today though... today, I heard the beep beep warning that it was going to die, but forgot about it. So then BAM it shuts off and I'm like "what?! ohhh yahhh..." sigh. Most of the time I totally love it. It's been such an amazing gift to be able to hear all these things I was obviously missing. When the kids scream, I don't love it so much, it can actually be painful if Mark is crying loudly in my arms or something, but that's not the norm. (We'll see how we do with a wailing newborn). I'm learning why when you hug someone with a hearing aid you hear a little squealing going on... it's be/c the microphone gets covered and causes feedback. This is slightly annoying but not overly painful. It's nice to not need the captions on TV anymore. All in all, it's wonderful. Battery days however, I haven't mastered yet.
7. I miss couponing. Is that dumb? I really miss scoring deals and bringing home 15 items of the same thing for Jamie to go "we needed that?" hehe. It's been a while since I've hit a goooood deal on something. I'm hoping to get back into the swing of my deals after school is back in session. I'd like a good deal on several things we're low on. Cereal being one (yup, again).
8. I can not believe that at the end of this week, we'll be at 29 weeks along with the pregnancy. 30 weeks seems like "nearing the end" so I'm almost nearing the end. 11 more weeks and there will be another body in this house.
9. I hate food. I hate food. I hate food. ... okay that's not true... I hate meal times. I hate meal times. I hate meal times.... Matthew's food battles are getting more and more heated lately. I try so so so so hard to not lose my cool. Yet it is so so so so hard to stay calm when he's pushing pushing pushing. Some days, we do good. I feel like "wow! we're getting the hang of it. we *can* eat a meal together." Some days, not so much at all. Again I will praise the gift of OT and pray that week by week we can gain insight into Matthew's issues and needs and break down his walls of programmed responses and controlling behaviors. We have come so far and I dont' want to overlook that with a sad update, but it's not easy that's for sure. He can now eat chicken nuggets from Wendys. This makes "grabbing a bite" less trying. No more "can I have a side of apples and a side of bacon" orders. Lunch no more is a granola bar and bacon at home. We're making real progress, it's just sloooooooooooooooooow going.
10. I'll end on something cute rather than down... If you have kids or grandkids and those kids don't have "Polar Bear, Polar Bear what do you hear?" go get it now. Oh mercy. Mark has memorized who comes next. And will tell you in order. It's so friggin cute I can barely stand it. I love how he says "A-ming-go!" for Flamingo. I'd also recommend the same author Eric Carle's "Baby Bear, Baby Bear, what do you see?" Super cute books.
Hi Kate ~
My husband (Allen) wears hearing aids. I keep batteries in my purse, he keeps batteries in his pockets & I keep those cleaning tools in my purse. It does still seem like there is always something :-/
I enjoy your blog (*.*)
Brenda, I think I need to do that. I keep my cleaning tools and my case in my purse, it isn't big enough for a pack of batteries, but I think I'll cut around some and stick them in there anyhow. Thanks for the suggestion. I have been just keeping them in my box with instructions and other tools.
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