Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Matthew's food

I'm still here with nothing to really blog about... I have been trying to reclaim my house since being gone at the start of the month. I think I finally made headway today and found our bedroom.

I started looking at my posts last year at this time.... what all my thoughts and feelings were (which were plenty)... one post jumped out at me:

I posted this about Matthew's eating...

I can count on less than both hands what he MIGHT eat in a day. If we're lucky: 3 bites of oatmeal, an attempt at yogurt, grapes, bananas, pears, cheerios by the pounds, sometimes fruitbars and rice cakes. That's it. Oh, and bacon. IF it's crispy enough, if not it gets spit out. No chicken nuggets, no cheese, no bread, no veggies of any kind, just grains and fruit.

What's sad is that it is all STILL true. He's *TRIED* chicken nuggets but wooo buddy that is a battle. Still no bread, no cheese, no veggies.

Tell me this wont go on another year?

1 comment:

Laelia Watt said...

Maybe he's a vegan at heart. ;)
At least he's stuck on grains and fruit. I guess on the bright side, you can be glad he's not like the kids who will eat nothng BUT chicken nuggets! By the way, have you seen that cookbook that has recipes for various kid-friendly foods that hide pureed veggies in the recipes?