Sunday, March 15, 2009


My dear friend Jenni got married yesterday. I'm so glad for her. I loved being a part of it! She let me do the bridal party's hair for the wedding. It was so much fun. And we were all pretty low key until I pined the veil in place. Whew! Then we both got a little teary! I'm so glad for her. Have I mentioned that?! I'm SO glad for her. She's found love. She made a commitment yesterday in front of God and witnesses to love and cherish and respect her husband. They both made promises with each other to live a biblical marriage. I pray that their marriage will be kind and fulfilling and wonderful. I pray that they'll stick together through thick and thin. I pray that they'll be each other's best friends and be each other's favorite parts of the days ahead. I'm so glad that God has blessed them both with love. The pastor talked about Mike being the leader of their marriage and their house, challenging him to be a man devoted to God and to Jenni. To push all others aside. He challenged Mike to be a man committed to his marriage and to his vows. The pastor then challenged Jenni to be a godly wife. I pray that they'll seek the "survival guide" often and use it to stay united in all the good times as well as the complicated moments that married life will offer them. Congrats Jenni. Happy first day being Mrs. M!


Of course when I go to a wedding, as a married woman, it makes me think of my own wedding. How insane I was that day and impossible. How emotional I was that day. How my great-grandpa was there that day. How much I needed my mom and my sister and my best friend. How much I wanted to just be in Jamie's arms. How I cried walking down the aisle and clung to my daddy. How I cried through my vows. How my sister cried through the song sung. How we laughed (oh how we all laughed) when I handed her my hankerchief after the song was over. How long the pictures took. How every dance danced with Jamie that night was like a dream. How crazy nervous I was in the bathroom trying to take down my hair afterwards. How much I love the man I married. How much our love has grown over the last 4+ years. ... I think specifically about our vows.... How we promised before God and witnesses to love and cherrish and respect and honor and keep ourselves for only each other and none other as long as we both were living.

And even though we have and will walk through difficult times, God will get us safely through. He's blessed us greatly. I'm so glad for Jamie's love and for his kindness and devotion and compassion. I'm so grateful for the Father's blessing of our children. I know that whatever trials are ahead of us, we will survive. It doesn't mean things are always easy or that things wont be hard or challenging or flat horrible, but it does mean that we can and should cling to each other always. In good times and bad, in sickness and health, in joy and sorrow...

I love you Jamie.

1 comment:

Laelia Watt said...

THis was beautiful...and encouraging!