Thursday, January 29, 2009

25 things, twice

So on Facebook this "post 25 random things about yourself" thing was going around... I told Nic I was having trouble thinking of "good ones"... After several Edit and saves I finally finished my 25, and in the mean time so did she... So here's what WE came up with. First me then her... It's nuts how many overlap and she found it silly that I ommitted music completely when I was making my list. Oh well ! OOoops!

1. I'm not a dog person. I love my cat... but I am so not a dog person. I'm okay around them but the thought of owning one makes me silly. (and Jamie wants one of course)

2. I used to lie to people and say I was allergic to mushrooms jsut to avoid any chance of ever eating them. I still can not stand the smell of them and wont eat them, but I do cook them for Jamie in certain dishes. I'm now a big girl and can handle saying "no thanks"

3. I would really have 6-10 kids if my husband would let me. ...Having had now a "normal" birth and a previous C-section, I can say I'd honestly not desire to HAVE the kids.... but I'd "HAVE" them all the same, if that makes sense.

4. Likelihood of #3 even ever happening is so far from reality. I'm not sure we're done, but for NOW Jamie's done.

5. If we could have groceries delivered, I'd never leave the house but to go to church. (Laura I'm like you in that regard!!!)

6. I grow my hair out to send to locks of love whenever it's long enough to do so-- and I cut it off myself.

7. I have so many food issues it's nuts. My own parents can't keep them all straight... some examples are: 1. most foods shouldn't ever touch, ever. 2. hot and cold foods deserve their own plates 3.dessert should be eaten with a new utensil and on it's own plate 4. I actually cringe when Jamie does neither of #3. 5. I can only eat with the small forks. Don't know why. ...I'll stop there, don't want to give them all away.

8. It takes me about ten minutes to assemble my plate from Zaxby's. (or Chinese food, or most places, but Zaxby's came to mind first)

9. pumpkin pie should be covered in whip cream or it's really not worth the trouble.

10. I could live off pasta and cheese

11. oh, and cereal. I fully believe cereal should be it's own food group and we're allowed unlimited quantities daily.

12. i met both my best friends (husband and best girl friend) on the world wide web.

13. i actually flew across the country to meet my future husband face to face--- didn't tell my dad until I was practically boarding the plane. my roommates thought I was coming back in a body back. Thankfully Jamie didn't turn out to be a crazy internet meeting girls murderer.

14. the most terrifying day of my life was AFTER i'd flown to meet him (and fell for him for real) was driving the 1.5 hours to meet his parents and go to church with them.

15. my great-grandmother was the most amazing person in my life and i can still smell her perfume if i close my eyes and think really hard about it even though she's been gone now 5 years. I can still hear her voice when someone says something the way she would say it.

16. I watch Family Feud because of her. (and matthew enjoys shouting "ONE X" "TWO X" when the players get the answers wrong. I think she would have loved it)

17. I hated that she wasn't able to be at my wedding. She always always told me she'd watch me walk the aisle. She died 2 months before it. I still cry thinking I was so close to having her see me as a bride.

18. I think that the school systems should pull every girl aside in high school and ACTUALLY prep them for things they'll need to know instead of things they have ZERO use for.

19. I firmly believe that ABSTINENCE should be taught, not (just) "safe sex"

20. I also believe that BILLBOARDS should be PLASTERED with facts about miscarriages. ONE in FOUR, girls. ONE in FOUR of ALL pregnancies end in miscarriage. I had no idea. No one tells you things like that until you are going through it and you're one of the one in four.

21. I am a successful VBAC (Vag birth after C-section) patient and I'm SO freaking proud of it! I labored 10 hours without drugs with my second before finally giving in to the epidural and by golly 9 more hours later I pushed his 8 pound self out! No more cutting me open!

22. THIS is my favorite number. It used to be my softball number back in the day. ...

23. Speaking of numbers I hate odd ones. I was married on 10-2-04 for a very carefully planned reason, though we'd wanted to get married on 10-22 of the following year, I hated that it would be 05 (please note this was NOT the reason we changed our marriage date up a full year, but it worked out nicely for my psychotic brain) and in 04 the 22 was a friday (too many out of towners for a friday wedding) ... so 10-2-04 thank you.

24. I have two sons. TWO. TWO BOYS. do you believe it?! I may never get to braid hair or paint finger nails.

25. spiders. I hate spiders. hate. spiders.

... this was so hard. It took several "save" and come back laters.



1. loves to sing and can make most any event musical if given the chance

2. met her husband online

3. can carry on entire conversations in sign language

4. aspires to have a huge family and is one of the few people I know that could actually pull it off successfully

5. gave her whole heart to Jesus many years ago and never looked back

6. was a vegetarian for many years of her life

7. even as a vegetarian, NOT a fan of most veggies

8. can eat entire meals that are just carbs and cheese

9. is emotionally-driven -- when she's angry, she is on fire; but when she loves, she loves so passionately that the object of her love can feel it and never doubt it (even when the anger flares up)

10. loves all things purple

11. also loves unicorns

12. she can't bear to live in a place and not make it "her own" --- she's done more decorating in her house than I've done in mine, even though I've lived in mine nearly 2x as long

13. met her best friend online too

14. has performed professionally MANY times and been a part of many choirs

15. wrote the lyrics and music for a Christmas song -- and has written the music to accompany lyrics written by several of her close friends
16. petrified of spiders

17. is a weight loss machine and lost over 100 pounds between having her first son and getting pregnant with her second

18. has zero sense of direction and could probably get lost trying to find her way out of a box

19. is the best listener --- she can't help but reach out to anyone and everyone that she senses is in pain, so that she can listen to them and try to help them lift their problems in prayer and give them to god

20. rarely uses recipes, yet manages to put together the most yummalicious meals out of ordinary ingredients

21. loves to travel, has been overseas several times and longs to go again

22. life's dream is to perform on broadway...

23. life's other dream (people can have more than 1) is to become a certified sign language interpreter and use her hands to communicate with and help others

24. has waited tables at Outback Steakhouse in 3 different cities

25. has 1 biological sister and 1 of-the-heart sister, as well as 1 of-the-heart brother and a huge extended family of friends.

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