Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Thankful catchup

My poor sad neglected blog. There there (pat pat pat). I really had great intentions with this thankful project, however, it is flat impossible to get on the computer some days for longer than a hover facebook posting update. And by hover, I mean, hovering over the desk, without pulling out the chair, or sometimes typing one handed because my small child doesn't want to be put down but I just.have.to.update.facebook! I don't have a fancy internet phone so I can't just update facebook where ever I am. I can only do this task from the desk computer-- isn't it so funny how we've turned into this updating status society?

Anyhow, I'd like to post a big update. I sort of feel I owe it to myself and to the blog and the blog world. I mean I said I'd post daily and say what I'm thankful for each day. But in truth, I find myself having to really think hard about "what else" I'm thankful for ... the big ones, the ones I'm most thankful for, I am thankful for those things every single minute of every single day...

My God.
My Jesus
My Family
My Parents
My Husband
My Children
My Sister
My Husband
My Jesus
My Best Friend
My Mentor
My Church
My God
My Savoir
My Maker
My Father
My Boys.....

Catch a theme here?

So it's funny to sit and think "what else am I thankful for?"

There just is so much.
-I'm thankful for my house.
-I am thankful that my husband doesn't really mind with whatever I want to do to the house.
-I'm thankful for my husband working from our home.
-I'm thankful for the new office he has.
-I'm thankful for his job.
-I'm thankful for his parents being close by and desiring to be part of our lives.
-I'm thankful for my Thursday morning Bible Study and that my mother in law goes with me!
-I'm thankful for the scriptures I have all over our homes.
-I'm thankful no one has told me to my face they think I'm crazy with all the scriptures painted and pinned up all over our home.
-I'm thankful for our garden, as small as it may be, and the desire I have to learn how to grow things. I look forward to enlarging it next year!
-I'm thankful that Mark goes to a preschool that teaches about Jesus!
-I'm thankful that Matthew has a solid foundation and is taking his Jesus to his school.
-I'm thankful that both the boys desire to learn the Word of God and memorize it. I'm praying that they hold to that for all their lives. (Ps 119:11)
-I'm so thankful for the sweet kisses and snotty noses and hugs and tickles and diapers to change. How empty my life would feel without my children. They are my world. I am thankful for each day God lends them to me.
-I'm thankful for the ability to stay home with my kids, even though things are tight and there doesn't ever seem to be enough money, God continues to provide for us and bless us day in and day out.
-I'm thankful for the things we take for granted until something breaks: working heat, running water, working washing machine, etc...
-I'm thankful for my camera to be able to capture all the moments of my kids' changing and growing up that I can possibly can. (I'm not thankful that Micah threw it on the floor the other day and it's in pieces right now--but I am thankful for duct tape!)
-I'm thankful for so much. God is so good.

God is so good.
God is so good.
God is so good.
He's so good to me.

Life is hard. Days can be long. There are many tasks to do each day. I told a friend recently in an email message that I am tired and worn... there are always socks to fold, phone calls and emails to return, dinner to make, a toilet to clean, etc... and I long for a day when I will be able to just sit at Jesus feet and sing praises to Him. This side of Heaven though, I'll be singing while I fold socks, pants and underwear. I'll be singing while I clean that toilet. I'll be singing as I do the dishes or make the dinner or drive to and from carpool.  I'm so thankful for the gift God gave me of the desire to sing. Nothing makes me happier than singing sweet praises to my Savoir... well, maybe besides hearing one of my children do that very thing. God is so good to His children. (Rom 8:28).  So we press on.  We fight the good fight. We make mistakes. We cry. We learn. We try again. We apologize. We hug.  We forgive. We sing. We pray. We keep going. I think of Dori in Finding Nemo a lot with her "just keep swimming. just keep swimming."  I mean seriously, what else have we to do, but just keep swimming?!

So I will keep swimming and keep being thankful.

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