Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Happy Pottery Day, Dear

Jamie is very much into doing traditional gift giving for our anniversaries. He follows the "traditional list" for gifts and some how manages to find the exact appropriate gift for each year's requirement. For the paper anniversary, he got me tickets to see Phantom. For the silk anniversary, he was very crafty and got me a book series titled "The Daughters of Silk". It was a really good series too! Some seem easier to manage than others... the candy year was pretty straight forward. But this year was pottery. I have been talking about wanting RED canisters for a long time now. In fact, I hinted them for my mother's day gift I think last year but neither of us could ever locate any.... they remained the elusive red canisters... until now! Look! Jamie found red canisters and managed to give them to me on our pottery anniversary. Squeee! 

I'm not so good with the theme giving...
 but I HAD to get this beautiful picture for Jamie's new office.
 It's one of his life verses. 

And if you count the modern-ish pottery there, 
I did manage to unknowingly pick up pottery after all  as I also adorned
 his new window ledge with a new bamboo plant! How about that!

Here's us last night, self taken, ready to celebrate with Olive Garden dinner. 

And here's just a couple from that same night, 8 years ago. 

Happy Pottery Day, Dear! 
I love you! 
I'm so blessed to be your wife!

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