Tuesday, October 23, 2012

try-it / "pout-pout"

We did "try it Tuesday" on Monday (yesterday) because Daddy is traveling today so I didn't want to do Try It by myself. Shocker, right? Anyhow, I had made Betty Crocker boxed potatoes thanks to an awesome Kroger deal last week, we're stocked on those currently. So, I needed to see if Matthew would eat them... he wasn't thrilled, but he did eat about 5 or 6 bites! Super proud of him. Oh I'm so proud of him! I just keep thinking HOW FAR we have come. Can you believe this boy??! 

 Matthew trying new cheesey-potatoes

 Micah being silly and not eating.

 Mark stabbed his "try it" bite.

 Micah kept saying "Geeese"  (say 'cheese!') when I was 
picturing the boys, so I captured a few of him. 


Mark and daddy making butterfly hands to convince
 Mark to try the potatoes. He wasn't interested at all. 

 Mark eventually ate his bite... 

 it didn't go so well... oh well. 

Just after dinner, Papa stopped by to get 
something left from the night before... 

 Matthew decided that Papa was not making a 5 minute appearance
 and walking back out the door... so he pulled up a chair to the door, stood on it, 
locked the "child lock" and sat back down, blocking Papa's escape. 

Mark liked the idea and joined him... 

Matthew and Mark, the Pout-Pout-ers

Aren't they funny?  
Jamie, Papa and I were all laughing! 

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