Monday, October 15, 2012

how many steps?


These are examples of some of my daily step totals for the past couple weeks. I've been keeping track in an excel sheet for total steps walk, total calorie burn, total miles walked...  Jamie gave me a neat little gadget called a "Fit Bug" and I've been loving wearing it.  As you can see, some days are WAY better than others. My goal is 10,000 steps a day. You know that's what "they" say you're supposed to achieve. I'm telling you something though, that is just not possible if you are going through a "normal" day.  Now the days that I make it to the park or do Zumba or something. Sure! No problem... But if I'm not getting that walk in. Ha! Yah right. The days with 4 or 5 at the beginning are sad to look at.  They make me feel booooo! But anything with 5 digits is nice! It makes me feel like I'm really doing something good for my body.  I started trying to add more steps by doing some "steps" on the curb before I'm walking, but still that is on my walking days. I need to try to do that on my not walking days, see if I can anti-up my step totals.  I'm chugging away though.

I hadn't posted anything on weight or weight loss for a while... so I thought I'd break the ice. I'm still moving forward. I'm still desiring a smaller me. It's just slow slow slow. I'm focusing right now on Visalus shakes (ask me about that!) and walking walking walking. I haven't done weight watchers since around June. And I feel better for stopping that part of my mental life. Counting, tracking, food awareness, etc, was consuming my thoughts all the time and I was getting into a bad funk. I was discouraged to say the least. I was pretty pleased to try something new. I'll admit, the weight hasn't fallen off like I thought it would with the shakes, but I'm doing well. I'm being committed to it, and I'm being honest with myself!  I'm also trying weekly to get 3 or 4 days of walking in. Some weeks better than others, but for me that's a big deal. So anyhow, there you have it.

How many steps are you getting in?

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