Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Matthew moment

Here's a funny from Matthew this morning. We're driving to therapy (more on that later!) and he says "Mommy you see that line of birds flying there in a line?"
Me: Yes I do, isn't that neat?
Him: No, it's not neat, it's migration.
Me: (skip a beat) um. Well, you're right. They could be flying south for the winter.
Him: They are, that's what they do. When you have birds in a line flying, it's migration.
Me: (again with the big word!) Where did you learn that big word?
Him: you know, I'm smart.
Me: You are smart. Do you know what migration means?
Him: Sure. It's for birds flying in a line.
Me: Do you know where they are flying?
Him: To the migration.
Me: Migration is when birds fly south for the winter.
Him: but it's fall out. Why are they doing it now.
Me: be/c it's starting to get cold, they don't' want to be here when winter comes.
Him: Good. Winters coming. Maybe we should do migration for winter to come. I like snow.


1 comment:

Laelia Watt said...

Very Impressive little guy! And what a great convo! So cute and funny! :D