2. Matthew about broke my heart this morning, talking about his heart breaking: After he was being rude to me getting in the car for school I said, "you need to dig down deep in your heart and figure out how to be nice to me." He thought for a minute and said "but .... if I dig in my heart, I'll break it" ... How do you even go about explaining that one to a four year old? Sigh. Melt. Rip. Break.
3. I love our Occupational Therapist. OT might be a little (LOT) overwhelming and it's scary and it's hard and unfun and and and... but I love her. This week we've come so far. We really can see a difference. Now is everything BAM! fixed? no. But we knew that going in to it. And next week I *know* will be rough based on what we've already discussed the changes we'll try for, so it will be a long road still, but I'm certain we're on the right path currently. We have our next appt in the early am.
4. (I'd started this list earlier and got distracted) I just got back from water aerobics. Good grief. This class beats me up. It's amazing what you can do in the water that there is no way at all by any stretch of the imagination that you'd be able to do on land.
5. I've begun dreaming about (plotting/planning/pestering) the nursery. I've got two beautiful boys and do you believe that I've never had a "nursery"? Well, I haven't. And I want one. And I want a cute one.
6. I'm looking forward to Friday night with my moms club friends!
7. I got an appt today to see an ENT next week. This is step two in "Will Kate need a hearing aid?" The answer is probably yes, but we want to see what this doc says, the first one, an audiologist wanted this doctor's opinion about something in my middle ear before proceeding.
8. I want to go back to the beach.
9. I love my husband.
10. I hate the dishes.
(Sorry if some of these suck tonight. I'm tired.)
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