Tuesday, October 12, 2010

10 on Tuesday (even early in the day, how about that)

1. I will miss Jessica again, it was GREAT to see them this past week when we were able to meet up. I will have pictures soon. Ayden and Matthew are still best best friends even though they now live states apart. You would have thought Matthew’s never had a friend besides Ayden the way he acted when they were back together. He loves so completely. It’s beautiful.

2 . We did Lilburn Daze on Saturday, I will also have pictures of this soon. We had a good time. Mark is still almost too young to do anything except the petting zoo which he loved. We shared an Italian ice while Jamie and Matthew rode the hayride. It was fun. Next year, Mark will be able to do the crafts and chase keep up with his brother. Thank you to Lisa for the beautiful earrings.

3. Jamie’s granddaddy isn’t doing well. I’d be grateful for any and all prayers for him and the family.

4. My best friend is flying worlds away today. I am praying for a speedy speedy trip (HOME) and safety for all involved. I hope that when they get there they can settle and come home fast and if it can’t settle I still am praying for a speedy trial. I ask God to give her an extra portion of strength to endure all she must while away from her family.

5. My church is hurting. My husband feels wounded and fooled. I feel empty and confused and hurt. Lord please don’t leave us in our time of need. In Deuteronomy you promise to never leave or forsake us. We’ve lost the men that are meant to lead your sheep, Lord don’t leave us untended. We pray for their healing and for ours.

6. I’m tired of feeling totally completely emotionally drained.

7. On a positive note again, I’m super excited that we ordered our beach pictures and now I have to count down 6 weeks for them to come. (maybe not so positive) I’m not great with patience! Thank you Mom!

8. I love my mom. I am so blessed with her role in my life, her support and unconditional love.

9. I miss my sister.

10. I’m already missing Nic.

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