Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Beach picture update (1)

I'm going to update the pictures some at a time, there are just too many to decide in one post, so it may take a couple. ALERT! the pictures in this post are slightly gross in nature. Please forgive. But I wanted to document this. I'll post happier fun pictures next I promise! One morning of the trip, we woke up, the boys got ready to go on a boardwalk-walk with Grammy and two minutes after they left the condo room, I heard voices and the door opening again. Hmmmmm, what could be wrong? My mom says, "Matthew go let your mommy see your eye." I'm thinking okay, he knocked into a door knob or something, though he wasn't crying... very puzzling. He walks over and she says "now, I think it's okay right now, but as soon as you think the doctor's office is open, I want you to call them." Ohhhh-kay... so what's wrong? .... Oh. A blood red spot the size of a dime under the iris on my son's eyeball is all that's wrong. I'm thinking "WHAT IS THAT!?" But he wasn't in pain or anything so they went ahead with their walk. And when I thought the doctor's office was open I called. They of course wanted me to come in. Naturally. Well, we're 5-6 hours away at the beach. Sorry. Can't do that. So they wanted us to go to urgent care somewhere be/c you can't be sure without seeing it. Naturally. Boo. So after a phone call to a nurse in the family, we decided to find an eye doctor (I know there is this really long opto-word that I can't say let alone spell to insert here). At urgent care, they'd probably have to send him to one after we wait four hours and pay 100 bucks. Soooooooooo. After google-ing and calling 4, 5? places we finally got someone who'd see kids and willing to take us. BUT THE WOMAN I TALKED TO WAS LIVING ON A DIFFERENT PLANET! I swear, she was so out of it. I'm not sure if she wasn't on something. In the mean time, my glasses became ready (oh yes... that's another story, but the ocean swallowed my glasses and we had to call for my prescription to be sent somewhere to have new ones made)... SO. I said you know what? Let's see if a doctor or a technician or someone else there can look at it and at least just tell us if we NEED to do something or not... So we did. And at first they were unwilling. "oh, no, mam, we'd have to have him see the doctor, we're not doctors" Okay. I know. but I'd just like someone to look at his eye, at something I've never seen before and TELL ME if he should be seen by a doctor or if it is fine. One of them finally did agree. And she said it was probably just a burst blood vessel. Which was one of the two choices the nurse family member had said. The other choice is an infection, but there would be more symptoms. Soooo, without any pain or the other symptoms, we decided to cancel said crazy lady office appt and just move forward under instructions to watch it carefully and if blah blah blah changes to go be seen. If it's a blood vessel broken, however, it would heal on it's own, slowly spreading and turning colors. Okay. Check. The first picture is the morning of. The second picture is two mornings later. It had started to spread and still causing him no pain. Whew. And I'll add that it's fine now. Still a little slight yellow near the corner, but the redness is all gone. Thankfully.

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