Thursday, September 9, 2010

Baby update

Hello Second trimester!

I can not believe that tomorrow marks the beginning of the 13th week of this pregnancy. Thus meaning that we’ve survived the first 12 weeks, the first trimester, intact. Thank you God. I know that anything can still happen. I know that we aren’t promised tomorrow, but it sure feels a little better having crossed this first giant hump. I feel like I look 6 months pregnant instead of the 3 months I am. I guess after your uterus does this five times, stretching out there becomes easier. I still am queasy and besides this morning, I normally am not being actually sick, just suffering the nausea. Dum-dum suckers have become my friend. With Matthew I remember sweettarts took the edge off, but this time around it’s just suckers that seems to work. I can’t remember if I used anything like that with Mark’s pregnancy. Funny huh? It’s interesting what decides to stay in our brains and what doesn’t. I’ve already started my speculations as to what this baby’s gender is, but I honestly couldn’t care less. Boy or girl, I will be so blessed. Alive, healthy baby is all I care about. I think after you lose a baby (or two) to Jesus, then the trivial things don’t seem to matter. I keep being told that we NEEEED a girl. No. What I need is a healthy baby. One who will breathe on this earth and let me hold him/her. That’s all I need. I have visions of both. There are days I think for sure that I just want another boy. I’d like to have the three musketeers roaming around, being best of friends—helping each other to get into and out of trouble. If this is our last child, then that way all the siblings would be same sex siblings. That bond is so important. Then there are days I dream of that mother-daughter bond. Braiding hair, painting nails, playing dress up, wearing strings of beads, playing Barbies…. What if I miss all this? If this is our last child then we’d have the two big brothers able to protect the little princess. … Can you see how both pictures are perfect? Girl or boy. Alien or monkey. I don’t care who’s in there. I really don’t. I just only want a healthy baby on the other side of the next 6 months. I want to be able to say “Hello Third Trimester” and then the most important of all, “Hello Baby.”

I haven’t posted this on here yet… but I wanted to document Matthew's naming the baby saga:

Part one: Jeffon (Aug 2nd)

We were sitting on my bed and I forget how the baby came up. But Matthew said, "I'm going to name the baby"

Jamie said, "what baby?"
Matthew said, "you know. The new baby in my mommy's tummy. I'm going to name him."
I said "really? what do you want to name him?"
He said, "Just Jeffon."
I said "Jeffon?" I'm thinking Jeffery???
He goes "yup, Jeffon."
Jamie asked, "where'd you hear that name?" Matthew replied, "you know, all by myself."

Jamie and I laughed so hard. It was so cute. He was dead serious. But I really couldn't stop laughing.

Jamie finally said something I can't remember what...

Then I said, "I already have names I like for the baby."
Matthew said "what are the names?"
I told him, "well, if it's a boy, I like Micah."
I received a blank stare. No comment or reaction.
I looked at Jamie who shrugged. I turned back to Matthew and said "if it's a girl, I like Suzie."
He threw his head back and just laughed! "I like Suzie, yah that one!"
I asked him "What about Micah, do you like that name?" He said "nah, Suzie's the right one."

Sure hope Micah doesn't come out and disappoint him! hahaha!

Part two: StopSign (Aug 16)

If we can't name it Jeffon, which he's still sold on. He'd like the baby to be named StopSign. NOT KIDDING. that way (and I quote) "it could have super powers and stop things all the time any time it wants to." We had to have a long conversation about tv super power people verses the baby that mommy is going to have being a real person and not a tv person and will in fact not have any super powers that could FREEZE THINGS (Think Piper in Charmed! LOL)

Part three: Gummy Bear (Aug 19th)

After the ultrasound on this date, I showed Matthew the picture from the u/s. I told him that "this is the baby" and pointed to the head, rump, arm and leg buds available for viewing. I said, "Isn't it cute? It looks like a little Gummy Bear in there" And Matthew answered, "YAH! Gummy Bear! That's a GREAT NAME!" Of course two minutes later he asked what a gummy bear was, be/c he'd never had one before. The next time we were at the store, I showed him a bag of them. He was tickled. So far this name, Gummy Bear has stuck. I've taken to calling the baby Baby Bear.

We'll see if I have to add a Part Four later on...


1 comment:

Laelia Watt said...

That is AWESOME! I think Jeffon actually sounds cool...and it is a name that exists! It is an African/African American name of unknown meaning as far as I can tell;

His reaction to Suzie was just SO CUTE! haha!