Thursday, June 3, 2010


There is something wonderful, unmatchable, about being with someone who makes you feel completely comfortable. ... As Nic and I have sat on the couch tonight... I think I've found a new perfect phrase: comfortable chaos. I like it. It's so fitting. And somehow, things here are better. I'm not as weighted, as stressed, as lonely. It's good. Watching favorite movies, talking for hours, "saying no and stop that" (quote from Steal Magnolias for anyone who's keeping up), it's great. Tonight (and last night) we've been sitting together on the couch, each with a laptop on our laps, typing away with other friends, playing games or the like, sometimes talking, sometimes not.... it's nice to just be.

Jamie asked earlier if there were any plans... I said no. He said "are you going to 'just be'" I said, "um, well yah." hehe, I love that he knows us! The plan is to "just be." and it's nice.

Here's a couple good ones of us and our kids.... from Nic's camera, since I still haven't uploaded my camera. (Can't do that when the cable for the camera is in STL and you're not. haha)

Just the boys: (one of the best pictures ever!)
Mark, John, Jonathan, Matthew, Jamie

It's rare that Jamie gets to come with me on a trip to MO,
so a total family picture is so wonderful.
All eight of us!

Nic, Kris, Kate

Walking to the arch

Playing at the fountains!

Me and Nic.

Our big kids. Aren't they crazy!?
I mean seriously... does it get any better than this?

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