Wednesday, June 23, 2010


How can it possibly be four years already? Matthew Christopher, I love you so much. You are really growing into a beautiful child and a good boy. I pray that you will continue to grow in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus and that you will someday ask him into your heart. I love how you're starting to play with your brother and how you love to sing songs with me. I love how you like playing games with daddy and love to be read to. You've got such a sweet smile and beautiful eyes and cute freckles starting to pop up on your arms and torso. We still battle your eating but I've come to accept it. You have very limitted food chocies: bacon, bars, yogurt, fruit, cereal, peanut butter...that's about it. You have started doing some chores and like wiping off the table. You are so wonderful. You're a joy to my life.

The day you were born.
a day or two later
first birthday
second birthday
third birthday
my two boys, being a train.

Here's a peek at the beautiful percy cake I made for Matthew's Percy Party. It was awesome. I am pleased with how it turned out. Complete with tracks even!

1 comment:

The Coupon Goddess said...

Happy birthday sweet Matthew! May you grow up to be filled with grace and love like your momma!
