Saturday, March 5, 2011

Come out!

Jamie keeps saying "Come Out!" in the Ducky voice from the Land Before Time movie. Do you remember? At the beginning when Ducky finds Littlefoot's egg he says "Come Out! You should not be here, you are all alone!" We have started begging the baby to come out. We're so sad. I wake up every half hour at night praying to be in labor but just being completely uncomfortable. Yesterday I cleaned a little and got all the clothes dealt with. I'm sore today probably from too much on my knees. My back hurts. My hands hurt. My head hurts. I'm so tired. I just wish all this was be/c there was a baby on THIS side of the tummy and not with s/he still trapped in there. I KNOW that the best place for a baby is IN the womb. That right now s/he is growing and thriving and getting the nutrients needed and and and... I'm just so done. I really had thought we'd have gone into (real) labor by now given all the pains and grossness leading up to this point. The (TMI!) mucus plug is a nasty nasty little fun thing that NEVER happened with either Matthew or Mark. This stuff is for the BIRDS. I'm not sure there is much more on the whole planet nastier than that. The constant back pain is just sad indication of what will probably be another fun filled day of extreme back labor once we get started. The stupidity of my shaking hands frustrates me beyond words. I can't grab anything with the braces on (ie: finding my phone in my purse is a joke) and I can't hold on to anything with them off (ie: dropping spoons, dropping pens...) BUT. I do know that GOD IS GOOD. And that in HIS timing this baby will arrive. And THIS TOO SHALL PASS. I wont be pregnant forever. My hands wont continue shaking. My back will eventually regain strength and composer as I lose the added weight. The mucus plug nastiness will be replaced with other fun things that happen to girls. And really---what else matters at all if at the end of the day (or week) we have a healthy beautiful thriving baby to show for all this? Not much.

Matthew is very excited about this baby coming. Mark, I think, gets that there is one IN there, but not sure how he is going to react when it comes OUT to stay. Matthew's vote is for a girl. It has been since day ONE. He says he already has a brother so he needs a sister. We'll see if his logic is agreeable to the One who got any vote at all. I'm still on the fence. Everyone asks if I feel like it's a boy or girl. I don't know. I know that my first trimester was WAY different than the boys and that leans me sometimes to a girl. Otherwise though how I'm carrying or how the baby is moving or how I'm feeling since then I couldn't say if it was any different or not. I see myself with three boys. So we'll see. OH... And Matthew says it's coming Wed. We'll see Aunt Nic, if he declared your birthday baby-having-day a prophesy or not. Otherwise, we're still set to induce on Thursday the 10th. Not too much longer. I'm feeling a little "Engine that could" right now. I think I can. I think I can. I think I can.


I have my focus verses printed and packed and I'm ready. Whenever this baby wants to... Thursday morning eviction or willing removal before then.

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