Tuesday, March 8, 2011

10 on Tuesday

1. Waiting stinks. I'd so love to be in labor right now. Which is just a sad sick thought be/c who WANTS to be in labor, let alone love it? I'm sure I'll be begging for it to stop once it starts but for now... I'd really like to be done. I'm cranky and miserable and my fuse with my family is thislong. But. Every day this baby cooks in here is a day he or she doesn't have to cook under a light. By Thursday or (God willing before) Friday we will be blessed with this new baby to come. 7am Thursday morning induction. Let's go!

2. I love the boys talking to the belly. I will miss that part.

3. Not sure I'll miss any other part of being pg though.

4. I love my mom being here. Oh what in the world would I be doing without her here. I'm so so blessed that her job is this flexible enough where she can stop and come. She's still working. There is work to be done, but she's here. And I'm so grateful.

5. My dad will be here soon. I miss him. I love him. I can't wait to see him this weekend.

6. Is it sad that the sales change at Publix on Thursday and I'm considering giving SOMEONE, anyone a list for me? LOL Publix rocked the BOGO deals last week. We stocked up the freezer meals and instant oatmeal last week.

7. Matthew's eating has been steadily going well. Well, at least as well as can be expected. We're making slooooooooooow progress. Pray with me please that as we add this new life into our house, Matthew will not be derailed from the progress we have made. I'm so proud of him lately for his new foods he's been trying. We have a really good system right now. Hopefully those coming in and out of the house helping will help him stay on course too.

8. Mark needs some attitude adjustments! He KNOWS something is happening. Good grief. He's TWO and PROUD OF IT right now. Little ornery snot. He's fussy and stubborn and so stinkin cute it's hard to be cross with him. His little world is about to be rocked.

9. Have I mentioned my mom is here? I'd be sunk without her here. Sunk.


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