Monday, March 21, 2011

The ANGRY bear

Seriously... Micah is an interesting little character. My mom is holding him currently, across the room and he just "dropped"/lost his paci... oh. mercy. sakes. He started WAILING. Mom put it back in and he made little happy noises and is sucking nicely now.

Earlier he was in the swing for the first time tonight... swinging and fine, swinging and fine, swinging and fine, swinging and GET ME OUT NOW SCREAMING!

Earlier than that, Daddy was changing his diaper. Changing and fine, changing and fine, changing and SCREAMING HIS HEAD OFF PUT THE DANG DIAPER ON FASTER AND GIVE ME TO MY MOM WHERE THE FOOD IS NOW!

In the bassinet he'll be sleeping and making sweet sleeping baby cooing noises and then GOOD GRACIOUS COME PICK ME UP WAILING...

Oh and yawning... after every single time the child yawns, he cries about it. Every time. Yawning is bad.

There is no build up with this kid. He's either totally content and fine or he is FED UP WITH EVERYONE AND SOMEONE BETTER FIX IT NOW!

Have I mentioned that he's also very red colored? Besides being blonde and blue eyed, he's also very red skinned. (I've taken to calling him "The recessive gene kid") None of my olive tones, none of Jamie's tanned skin... Micah is fair, very fair and reddish colored. And when he's crying. He's RED. Beet Red. So red that the creases in his forehead turn white. I have a nice little cuddly teddy bear and then a grizzly bear and it goes from one to the other almost comically in zero seconds it seems. We've all been a little giggly when he gets angry. It's kind of funny. But not... but kind of.

I need to take a picture of my cranky bear the next time he loses it.

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