Monday, February 8, 2010

8 M's to make your marriage magnificent

My friend and pastor's wife, Karen came to speak at my Mom's Club meeting this morning. I was so excited to have her speak to the club. There were about 8 moms in attendance, 6 that got to hear her. I thought I'd recap what she said on my blog, so the world could see. It was a great talk.

1. Make commitment. He is the right one. Even if you've had doubts in the past about making the right choice or doubts about where your relationship is going, where it should be, what if, ... stop. Make the commitment today that he is the right one for you.

2. Manage your time to give your husband top spot. She said "Having little kids is a high stress time in your lives" and she's so right... we often go go go go go for our kids, but when do we stop and GO for our husbands!? She said these four things to help show him priority in your life: 1. nap when the kids nap or at least close your eyes for twenty minutes a day and give your body time to rest, time to prepare yourself mentally for his arrival later. 2. make a menu to help plan the dinners for the family and also your shopping. 3. ask about his day when he comes home and then STAND STILL AND LISTEN to him. 4. don't dress comfortably every day. dress to impress him. He deserves it.

3. Manners are a must. Please, thank you, I appreciate you, I need you, I'm grateful for you, I am glad when you...

4. Munch together. Eat as often as you can as a family. Also, eat alone once a month out of the house, without the kids. Show him you desire time with him alone. You take the initiative and set up the sitter.

5. "Mother"-not. He doesn't need your mothering him. No nagging.

6. Magnify his strengths. Thank him. Tell him what you admire about him. Little things really are important.

7. Mostly Respect. "A man will gladly serve in response to being honored". be careful not to take him for granted. She recommends reading the book titled LOVE AND RESPECT. She said this book changed her life. Changed how she saw her husband and how she treated him. The book so explains how our husbands, as men, need to be respected above any other emotion.

8. Make your marriage holy. Make time to pray together and focus on God. Build your relationship on Christ if you haven't already.

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